
While at it, can you explain why you are calling
illegal UPC meetings? Are you trying to organise as
well? Why are you fighting Matek?

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Mutale accused of recruiting children
> By Emma Mutaizibwa 
> July 13, 2003
> Members of Parliament Odonga Otto and Okumu Reagan
> have accused Maj. Kakooza Mutale of luring children
> into military service. 
> Mutale is a presidential assistant on military
> affairs.
> Okumu is MP for Aswa county while Otto is MP for
> Aruu. 
> Mutale heads a paramilitary group, Kalangala Action
> Plan (KAP).
> Addressing a news conference at Parliament on
> Thursday, the MPs alleged that Mutale recruited some
> young boys aged below 18 pretending he was taking
> them to school. 
> The MPs said the boys were taken to Matembe
> Institute of Technology in Luwero for military
> training.
> "On July 10, about 11 boys escaped from military
> training as a result of hardships and got stranded
> in Kampala. So people told them to go to the Central
> Police Station where they have been till today
> [Thursday]," Mr Okumu said.
> He said some of them were Mr Robert Ocen, Mr Patrick
> Opira, Mr Geoffrey Oyet, Mr David Owot, Mr Joseph
> Oketa and Mr David Odong. 
> He said the children were from Gulu, Kitgum, Pader,
> Masindi, Iganga Pallisa and Mbarara districts.
> "Maj. Mutale uses the Movement bus to ferry his
> 'students' from upcountry. This started on June 26,"
> he said.
> Okumu said Mutale brought about 170 students
> promising them secondary education. He said the
> children however later escaped from the training. 
> "When the children began escaping Maj. Mutale called
> for a Kipindi [general assembly during military
> training] on July 6," Okumu said.
> Okumu said that during the Kipindi, many children
> opted to leave, but Mutale told them that those who
> wanted to go would walk back to their homes.
> Okumu said Government should explain why Mutale was
> training a paramilitary force using the Movement
> bus.
> He said the Ministry of Education should inform the
> public whether Mutale's school was registered.
> Mr Otto who said he was at CPS on Wednesday night,
> alleged that the boys had wounds and most of them
> looked below 18 years of age.
> The MPs' claims could not be independently verified
> and Mutale could not be reached for comment as his
> telephone was off. Mutale's aide Lt. Chris Kakama
> too could not be reached as his telephone was on
> voice mail.
> © 2003 The Monitor Publications
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