Honorable President Mr. Mbeki,

We note with alarm the increasing demands of individuals, such as Democratic Alliance leader Tony Leon, that your government intervene in the internal affairs of another sovereign state, the Republic of Zimbabwe.  

We are pleased that your government has rejected such demands out of hand.

We also note with great pleasure that many influential African formations from the African Union itself to the PAC of Azania, to the AANA, and the great majority of the Commonwealth and many of other formations, have been steadfast in rejecting this grossly improper and illegal position advocated by the likes of Mr. Leon; and unfortunately by many in positions of power in the UK, Australia and the USA.

We, that is the members of the various Pan-African and African Nationalist groups that have publicly stated our opposition to those who clamor for the destruction of Zimbabwe's sovereignty, want you and your partners in this matter, most notably, the African Union and the PAC- Azania, and it's new President, the Honorable Mr. Pheko, that we are steadfast in our support of the principled position that the great majority of Africa and large cross-section of humanity has assumed on the issue of the inviolability of Zimbabwe's sovereignty.

All of just humanity, color, ethnicity, nationality or creed notwithstanding, understands the vital link between land (and associated natural resources) to development; equally the majority of progressive humanity is fully cognizant of the extreme deleterious and traumatic effect of the colonialist alienation of the land upon the impacted indigenous populations.  

Those people and agencies who purport to be interested in resolving what they call the "Zimbabwe crisis," would better serve all of us if they were to lend a helping hand to the people of Zimbabwe, and similar areas, so that such people(s) can reclaim their rightful and comprehensive stewardship over their respective lands -- lands that we should never forget -- were illegally expropriated during colonialism.

Roy Walker
An African Born in the USA
forever at the service of Africa

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