
It was Kony's henchmen.

--- Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Netters
> This evening we had planned to continue with the
> series of the relationship of Uganda and Buganda.
> However due to the seriousness of this breaking
> news, we have decided to put a stop on everything.
> Apparently, Reliable sources reaching the
> Communication group from Kampala, are informing us
> that the mother of the Buganda Katikiro, 84 Namwandu
> Bernadetta Nantale Mulwanyamuli, was attacked and
> beaten.
> Five very heavily armed bandits, wearing UPDF
> uniform attacked the home of the Mother of the
> Katikiro of Buganda at 8 pm. in Nzizi of Kibinge,
> Bukoto South. At the attack the son of the Katikiro,
> Charles Sserunjoji was as well at home. The bandits
> started by collecting all children who were in the
> kitchen at the time, and tying them with Kandoya (A
> system which was introduced by NRM in Uganda). Then
> they moved into the main house where they found the
> 84 year old saying her evening prayers. Nantale was
> then Kandoyerd as well and then they bit the crap
> out of her. They asked for all the moneys she had
> and she kindly delivered 75,000 Shillings which was
> at hand. They were enraged for that was not enough,
> so they asked her for the keys of the Katikiro's
> wing which she gave them, and they looted it to the
> walls. Among the things taken from Buganda Katikiro
> Ssemogerere's wing, was Carpets, blankets,
> bed-sheets and so on.
> Ugandans, it is true we have banditsm in our
> country, but what is still confusing me on this
> whole very sad story, is why tie every body with
> Kandoya? Is it a message to the Katikiro of Buganda
> that his NRM's style hurts? Secondly, who are these
> very upset people that decide to go and robe a home
> they knew it belongs to Mulwanyamuli? is it the
> Baganda who are not contented with the Movementist
> Katikiro's effort to destroy Buganda by selling
> every thing it owns?
>       The Mother Of the Katikiro of Buganda
> lamenting as she is showing how the bandits stole
> the ropes from her goats and used them to tie her
> kandoya.
> Our prayers to the mother of the Katikiro of Buganda
> for a quick recovery.
> Em
> Toronto
>             The Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>             Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
> "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans
> l'anarchie"

> ATTACHMENT part 2 image/jpeg


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