Healing Power of TEA

Hot of cold, green or black, the ancient
beverage is steepep in health benefits.

"What would the world do without tea?"
the writer Sydney Smith asked over 150
years ago. It is no idle question.

Tea is the world's most popular beverage
after water.  And it provides protection
against several health threats.

HEART HELPER: In 2002 dutch a study of
4,807 people, those who drank at least
13 ounces daily had half the heart 
attack risk of non-tea drinkers.In 2002, 
researchers in Boston found that heart
patients who drank two or more cups of 
tea daily were 44% less likely to die 
over the next four years.
A U.S.A. study last year showed that tea 
can lower bad cholesterol levels by 10%.
In cases where dangerous cholesterol has
has already stuck to artery walls,
flavonoids, the antioxidants in tea,
are thought to prevent it from damaging
the inner lining.

CANCER FIGHTER:  In Japan, an 1998 
investigation found that drinking ten or
more cups of GREEN tea every day delated 
the onset of cancer by almost nine years
in women and about three in men. 
A Canadian study from 1998 suggests 
another benefit for guys: Men who drank
three cups a day were 30% less likely to

BONE BUILDER: Flavonoids in tea seem to 
protect bones. Tea also contains fluoride
and substances that stop bacteria from
from sticking to teeth, which together
help fight cavities.

Grean and black tea are probably equally
protective, says Jeffrey Blumberg, a
nutrition researcher at Turfs University.
Even iced tea is beneficial, though it is
usually more diluted.  Since flavonoids
break down over time, making your own tea
is better than buying bottled.  If caffeine
keeps you up, try decaf-it has only 10% to
15% fewer flavonoids.
[By PETER JARET in Readers Digest May 2003]

Now Gentlemen and Ladies, if you value your
health, DRINK UUUUP!!!!
Assumpta Mary Kintu

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