Mr. Dambisya & Co:

It is quite true that I am not terribly fond of Obote; who has been described as the ogre of Ugandan politics in the Western press; and whom I described as the chologogue of Uganda politics here on the net.

However, I'd  like to disabuse you of the notion that mine is somehow a pathological condition. It stems from the fact that Obote, in his greed for absolute power, obstructed and was detrimental to the progress of the Kingdom of Buganda, where I hail from.

And in so doing, he destroyed the future of Uganda and set in on the path of dictatorship that we still suffer from today.

His weapons of choice were duplicity, and, force -- without any regard to their consequencies. As Ibingira documented,  he honed the principle of "divide-and-rule" setting ethinic groups against each other. Even his own party was not safe from him as he often set his opponents against each other.

One tragic result is what has happened to the Acholi. He used element of the Acholi society, fully knowing, but not caring, that anger would be directed to the entire group. Kaguta seems to have picked up where Obote left off here, as witnessed by the tragic events since 1986, and also during Amin's 8-years.

When you folks wake up from your slumber, dissect and analyze the full import of Obote's favorite quote from Paradise Lost -- which I included in the exrcept, you will see that Obote was/is a a singulary selfish and ruthless manipulator of people.

I urge you to take off your blinders and see how you were "taken" -- learn from those, like Ibingira, Kirya, etc who found out, too late, the hard way.

And by-the-way, there is nothing wrong or untoward with trying to oust a leader through political means -- except, perhaps, in Uganda's dumbocracy.


ps: {Blinders, of course, are what city-bound horses have to wear to avoid being distracted by traffic, people, etc. They induce a sort of "tunnel-vision", but here the term is used figuratively.}


----Original Message Follows----
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re: Kanyeihamba on the Phantom Arms ofthe1960s,Ibingira andtheConspiracies
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 16:23:32 +0200
Mr Y, you might find the answer to your question to Ssemakula
>>>>.............. You seem to have a pathological hatred for Obote.
embedded in writings of decades ago. See for instance:
"..Perhaps this is a good moment to disentangle Obote's enemies. The
Baganda were hostile almost solidly since the action over the lost
counties. This was their main quarrel with him since
The Kabaka of Buganda; Desecration of My Kingdom; Pg 183.
Perhaps the quarrel continues!
Best regards,

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