Is this capitalistic democracy? Where are AGOA, NEPAD, etc headed (in addition to illegal subsidies to US farmers)?

The `Free Trade' Fix Is In

July 25, 2003
The United States government has just added a final
flourish of hypocrisy to its efforts to crush the
Vietnamese catfish industry under a mountain of
protectionism. The Vietnamese, after doing well enough to
capture a fair share of the American market, have been
declared trade violators deserving permanent, prohibitive
tariffs by the United States International Trade
The case against the Vietnamese was brutally rigged by
American fishing and political interests. It stands as an
appalling demonstration to striving commercial nations that
all the talk of globalization has not reined in the old
power politics of marketeers in the United States, Europe
and Japan. Their thumbs remain all over the scales of free
No convincing evidence was presented that Vietnam is
dumping its fish on the American market at prices below
cost. To the contrary, a competitive edge was clearly won
by hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese fishermen who were
encouraged by the United States itself to set aside old
wartime enmities and enter the emerging world market. The
campaign that threatens to ruin them is rooted in myopic
greed and blatant xenophobia. In one Orwellian tactic,
labels for the fillets imported from Vietnam - genuine,
obvious catfish - were denied the use of that very word in
our markets by a well-timed amendment slipped into a
Congressional appropriations bill.
Thus, the Vietnamese catfish can be called only "basa" or
"tra" in this country. And they will also be saddled with
punitive tariffs. The next time an American delegation sets
off to preach the dogma of free trade abroad, poor nations
would be within their rights to thumb their noses.
Meanwhile, diners in search of egalitarian fare should
consider demanding basa and tra by name as a rebuff to this
nation's protectionist bottom feeders.
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