The Baganda are going to be duped again on federo by tyrant dictator Museveni!

From: Omar Kezimbira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Don't Worry About Federo-Museveni
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 04:40:31 -0700 (PDT)

Don’t worry about federo – Museveni
By Rogers Mulindwa
August 4, 2003 -Monuitor

President Yoweri Museveni has said that the issue of federo would be settled when the Constitution is amended.
Lt. Gen. Museveni said: “On this question of federo [federal system of government], you don’t need to worry. That’s why I put in place the committee of Ssempebwa”.

Prof. Frederick Ssempebwa is the chairman of the Constitutional Review Commission.

The President was speaking at the 10th coronation anniversary of Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II at Bbowa in Luwero district on Saturday.

The function was broadcast live on Central Broadcasting Services (CBS) radio based at Bulange-Mengo.

Mutebi was installed king of Buganda on July 31, 1993.

“Some people don’t sleep and have developed ulcers over the third term, federo and multiparty politics. They forget that the power belongs to the people,” Museveni said.

The President flew to Bbowa from Gulu by helicopter.

He said that the Cabinet has started discussing some crucial matters ahead of Ssempebwa’s report.

Where need be, he said, the government would call a referendum.

He said that Mr Milton Obote’s UPC government had stolen the key that gives power to the people but the Movement has since “rescued the situation”.

“When someone gives you the key to the house, you don’t need permission to enter the bedroom or the sitting room,” Museveni said. “Government returned the key that empowers the people to take vital decisions on crucial matters.”

Museveni urged Buganda to be patient about her demands. “Don’t worry, the power is still in our hands,” he said.

The Kabaka pleaded with the government to end the 17-year-old insurgency in the northern region.

Kabaka Mutebi said that he feels a lot of sympathy especially for the innocent children suffering in the north.

“We pray that everything possible is done to restore peace in this region,” he said.

© 2003 The Monitor Publications

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