The New UgandaVol. 1 No. 14     

                         18th to 25th August 2003 The Bi-Monthly E-ZineDedicated To Letting Ugandans Know
                                                                  What Is Really Going On.

to the 14th edition of The New Uganda, the bi-monthly e-zine dedicated to putting you, the patriotic Ugandan, in the true picture and letting you know what is really going on in Uganda and in the region.

 This edition is going to reveal a hot document that fell into The New Uganda’s hands thanks to the work of some patriotic Ugandans.  Entitled “The National Threat Checklist”, this is a top-secret document intended for circulation amongst the top ranks of ISO. 

The New Uganda has reproduced it verbatim, including all spelling and grammatical mistakes.  We had wanted to scan and paste the original onto this edition but the security of our sources is paramount, hence the reproduction. 

The so-called Checklist makes for interesting reading because it reveals how inept and inefficient the Museveni’s intelligence machine.  The Checklist reveals the fact that ISO is still chasing the ghost “PRA” in Rwanda when in fact the Patriotic Forces are everywhere but in Rwanda and they are certainly not called the “PRA”. 

It reveals the fact that Museveni’s intelligence machine has failed to infiltrate Kony’s LRA, even after 17 years!  One wonders how many Directors and operatives have been drawing massive allowances to facilitate the infiltration of the LRA and whether they are being taken to task.

 The fact that there is paranoia about the UPDF also emerges.  The UPDF is being watched!  So are ordinary citizens and opinion leaders.  Opposition groups are also being watched.  Another fact that emerges from the Checklist is the fact that Museveni’s intelligence machine is geared towards the suppression of internal opposition. 

Otherwise why would there be any need for the monitoring of Political Trends or for a Citizen Database and Profiles?  Well, you read the document below and judge for yourselves. 

Meanwhile reports reaching The New Uganda indicate that Dr. Wilbrod Okungu has executed a very daring escape from Mulago Hospital where he was being treated for torture injuries.  He has been helped to escape from captivity by the very UPDF guards who were supposed to be guarding him.  Dr. Okungu was one of the 22 suspects that UPDF proxies hunted down and kidnapped in the Democratic Republic of Congo and handed over to Ugandan authorities in Arua. 

Their original captor, a cannibal known as Kiza Maitre was himself killed during fighting when Thomas Lubanga’s UPC captured Bunia a few moths ago.  We are informed that Dr. Okungu has left the country and will soon be telling the truth about the circumstances of his arrest and captivity. 

What we have gathered so far is that Dr. Wilbrod Okungu was a medical practitioner in Gulu in 2001 and when he joined the Kizza Besigye Task Force he played a big role in recruiting doctors and people from his home area in Tororo.  As a result he was persecuted after the rigged 2001 presidential elections and he decided to leave the country. 

After failing to get a visa to travel to the USA for further studies he decided to find a base where he could practice medicine profitably and was attracted to DRC because the few doctors who were practising there were paid very well.   

Dr. Okungu and his colleagues who were trying to make a living in exile were rounded up by UPDF trained militia and handed over to the UPDF to provide proof of the existence of PRA.  Dr. Okungu was shot and his limbs were broken during interrogation as his UPDF tormentors tried to break him into making a confession that he was in the PRA. 

All his colleagues who refused to make a false confession were similarly treated while those who agreed to make false statements were taken away to luxurious safe houses on the promise that they would testify against top ranking opposition politicians and their colleagues as being PRA supporters. 

Now that Okungu is out of Uganda the whole truth will be told and The New Uganda will fill you in with all the details. 

The New Uganda is meant to be shared with all Ugandans who love Uganda.  It is essential for the truth to be told and for it to be disseminated as widely as possible.  So please share this issue with all of your friends, relatives, and workmates and when you are finished with it you can leave it some place where you are sure that someone else will be able to pick it up. 

For those with Internet access and expertise, please feel free to post The New Uganda onto any website where it can be accessed by others.  Please also print it out for those who may not have easy Internet access.  You can make as many copies for distribution as you wish.  As ever, please be cautious if you are distributing The New Uganda within Uganda.  As you shall see below, Museveni’s men are trying to track down and silence all sources of the truth (they call it propaganda).  So please make sure that distribution cannot be traced back to you.  

 I am eager to hear your views on the Ugandan situation, on the e-zine and on anything that you feel is relevant to the emancipation struggle.  Please drop me a line at this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED].  Guest contributions are also most welcome, although I have to warn you that I reserve the right to edit any material that I may get. So please stay with the truth and keep reading The New Uganda.
 I bid you all good reading.                Editor 
(Part two follows immediately)

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