
"Ugandans do not want to collect taxes, they do not want Federo, they do not
care whether it is a Buganda issue or not, what they want is a very simple
thing which is only a one word "Peace"", you say.

On which Ugandans' behalf are you speaking ?

As for 'peace', the only thing Baganda wanted during your hero's misrule was "peace" , but he wouldn't let them have it.


From: "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Federo without tax  powers is "byoya bya nswa"
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 21:41:06 -0400

Mwaami Ssenyange

Ugandans do not want to collect taxes, they do not want Federo, they do not
care whether it is a Buganda issue or not, what they want is a very simple
thing which is only a one word "Peace"

The rest of the Mumbo Jumbo, which I personally call these days "A way to
stay in power"  is only meaning full to you, to Mwaami kibuuka, Mwaami
Kasangwawo and Iddi Amin's Dr. Kigongo. What is interesting is that some of
us told the federalists that they are making a road for Museveni, which has
come true, the other part is to make Buganda isolated in Uganda. Just watch
and learn what and how Blind politics can burry a nation. "Ffe Kasita


            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: "ssenya nyange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 9:04 PM
Subject: ugnet_: Re: NRM Federo without tax powers is "byoya bya nswa"

> Netters,
> Forget NRM\ Museveni's Federo. First and foremost it should
> be for Buganda only. It should be open to all parts of Uganda. Second,
> Federo without tax powers is not federal. These 2 issues must exist
> otherwise its "trouble continues"
> James Ssenyange
> ---------------
> >
> >The Monitor
> >
> >
> > Kampala - Thursday, 21 August 2003 03:38 am
> >
> > > Cabinet to okay 3rd term and federo
> > By Ssemujju Ibrahim Nganda
> > August 21, 2003
> >
> > Constitution to be amended this year
> >
> > The mood in Cabinet has swung in favour of a federal system
> >government for Buganda.
> >
> > The Cabinet now also supports the removal of the
> >term limit, highly placed sources have told The Monitor.
> >
> > Several Cabinet meetings, some chaired by President Yoweri
> >Museveni, have been held to discuss issues that the government wants
> >amended in the 1995 Constitution, the sources said.
> >
> > Information minister Nsaba Buturo told The Monitor on August
> >16 that several issues are under consideration but no final positions
> >been adopted yet.
> >
> > However, sources familiar with the discussions said that
> >federalism (federo in popular speak) and the amendment of Article 105 (2)
> >of the Constitution to enable Mr Museveni run for another term in 2006
> >under serious debate during a Cabinet meeting early this month.
> >
> > The Buganda Kingdom has for long demanded federo, a system
> >government last used during the early days of independence.
> >
> > A source who attended the meetings has told The Monitor that
> >there was more resistance to federo in the Cabinet meetings than to the
> >lifting of the term limit clause.
> >
> > However, that resistance against federo was scaled down in a
> >subsequent meeting that Museveni attended.
> >
> > The Monitor has learnt that ministers who are opposed to
> >the third term and federo chose to boycott the Cabinet meeting when
> >Museveni appeared the following day.
> >
> > The same source has told The Monitor that the Cabinet has
> >accepted federo for the Buganda Kingdom but won't allow the Mengo
> >government to collect taxes.
> >
> > Article 105 (2) of the Constitution presently does not allow
> >an individual to run for more than two five-year terms as president.
> >
> > Museveni's second five-year term expires in 2006. The
> >National Conference and National Executive Committee met in March and
> >agreed to amend Article 105 (2).
> >
> > The National Political Commissar, Dr Crispus Kiyonga,
> >presented the recommendation to the Constitutional Review Commission a
> >month later.
> >
> > The Prime Minister, Prof. Apolo Nsibambi, told the
> >parliamentary Committee on Presidential and Foreign Affairs on July 22
> >the Cabinet was also discussing the Constitution to generate consensus on
> >several other issues.
> >
> > Nsibambi told the committee that Museveni had chaired at
> >two such meetings.
> >
> > The Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Ms Janat
> >Mukwaya, told the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee on August 13
> >that a bill to amend the Constitution would be in Parliament before
> >end.
> >
> > Sources said that the Cabinet has in principle agreed to
> >its proposals to the Constitutional Review Commission, which is presently
> >writing its report.
> > Minister Buturo said that the Cabinet has a right to submit
> >its views even when an issue is yet to be finalised.
> >
> > Sources said that some ministers are arguing that it is a
> >waste of time to submit views when they are the very people to debate the
> >report from the review commission.
> >
> > Others, however, believe that if the Cabinet refuses to
> >its views the public would accuse it of undermining the process.
> >
> > One of the issues the Cabinet is also considering is the
> >reduction of the powers of local governments.
> >
> > Museveni wants the powers of district chief administrative
> >officers trimmed.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > © 2003 The Monitor Publications
> >
> >
> > East African | About Us | Feedback | Site Map | License | Monitor
> >Mail
> >
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