If today in 2003 it is us Vs them, Uganda is in big trouble.
            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: UPDF to Deploy in Iraq

Mr. Kipenji:

1. What did you do or say when "we" -- to borrow your phraseology, we suffering in the "Luweero Triangle" in 1981-1985, courtsey (sp.) of your hero, Obote?

2. What do you gain by insisting on ignoring the fact that, "we", the Baganda  from all walks of life have been consistent, if not persistent, in calling for a peaceful resolution of the war in Northern Uganda?

----Original Message Follows----
From: Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: UPDF to Deploy in Iraq
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 17:51:41 +0100 (BST)
Dichotomizing Ugandan society into "them" and "we" groupings
has been more the trademark of those mainly from the Kingdom
districts of Uganda who follow what the King says.It is from this
source that you seem to think that if I state facts that all know
regarding certain periods of Ugandan history then I must be a
bonafide supporter of the person in question.I want to put it to
you that I only state what I have researched on and got enough
corroborations on before I post it.That has got nothing to do with
my support or no support for anyone.
That Mu7 by the way is the first Munyakole Muganda president need
not be gainsaid for close to 95-99.9999% of the support Mu7 has in
all his dastardly acts is supported by Buganda!.Why?.Kasita Ffe Twe
baka'otulo!.From as early as January 25 1986 many Ugandans with
experience with Mu7 wanted nothing to do with Mu7 but for the sweet
sleep and the unprecedented peace ushered in,Buganda did not care
less.That trend to date appears to be holding except that Mu7 has mis
stated the issue of Federo being granted to Buganda and that is why
a few good menh from Buganda are against it because Mu7 has let the
cat out of the bag!.
There has been over the past 17 years deception as a means to keep
people from knowing the truth so when one sates a truism that has all
along been known,there is a tendency to castigate him/her.
That unfortunately does not hold true for me because I very well know that if people fail to talk about these things as they are,then the rocks
jonah kasangwawo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
what you say below is total nonsense and you know it. Just because Mw.
Ssemakula is critical of Obote does not necessarily mean he supports
Museveni. I, for one, haven't seen any evidence of that. This seems to be a
major problem with you UPC supporters. As soon as somebody criticizes you,
you immediately assume he/she supports the incumbent. You seem to imagine
that we should just forget all that your party did to us in the past and
restrict our criticism to the present regime.
>From: Owor Kipenji
>Subject: Re: ugnet_: UPDF to Deploy in Iraq
>Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 02:43:20 +0100 (BST)
>Mu7 is playing out his last card.I am wondering why the Ssemakulas
>of this world who support him and all the mayhem he has visited on
>Ugandans and the Great Lakes region should not enlist to go and help
>their proxy here.
>He now more than ever would benefit from their active help to avoid getting
>more bankrupt and moribound.
>Thank you.
>Fellow Citziens:
>This is the ultimate sycophancy to the US Bush cabal. Why should Ugandans
>go over there in Iraq to go and die in a hostile Muslim Country? Many
>Ugandans dies in DRC Congo .. And are still uncounted for. Many more dies
>in Kisangani (in the fight between Rwanda troops and UPDF) ... still many
>dies in southern Sudan.
>Kaguta is surely a tyrants whose excess are far beyond that of Idi Amin.
>Talk about inviting the wreath of the pissed of Muslim community in Arab
>land on Uganda!!
>UPDF to Deploy in Iraq
>New Vision (Kampala)August 21, 2003
>Posted to the web August 21, 2003 Richard Mutumba
>Kampala UGANDA has agreed to contribute troops to the United Nations (UN)
>peace-keeping forces in Iraq at the request of the US."We have been
>approached by the United States government over the matter and we are
>ready. We are only waiting for a resolution of the United Nations," James
>Wapakhabulo, the 2nd deputy premier and foreign affairs minister, said
>He said it was too early to talk of numbers.Former presidential candidate
>and MP for Samia Bugwe North, Aggrey Awori asked, "Why should we send
>troops abroad when we don't have enough at home?"Awori said instead of
>sending troops to Baghdad, the Government should deploy them in the east
>and northeast of the country to replace the ill-trained Rhino and the Arrow
>Group militias.Tingey MP Dr. Steven Chebrot said Uganda has too many
>security concerns. "We should focus our resources and manpower to contain
>and maintain peace and security within our borders," he advised.
>Sending troops to Iraq might even spark an increase in terrorist activities
>in Uganda, which the country is ill-prepared to handle, he said.The
>Makindye East MP, Mike Mabikke, said Uganda had enough on its plate and
>should avoid creating more problems."We are failing in our own Operation
>Iron Fist.
>Where do we get the expertise of handling a more sophisticated situation in
>Iraq?"In 1996/97, the UPDF led by Brig. Ivan Koreta successfully took part
>in a UN peace-keeping mission in Liberia. Uganda is one of the countries in
>eastern Africa to benefit from a US anti-terrorism grant of $100m.
>The money was pledged by US President, George Walker Bush during his recent
>visit to Africa.On Tuesday, the UN mission in Iraq suffered yet another
>setback when its headquarters were destroyed by a bomb.At least 60 US
>soldiers have been killed in Iraq since Bush declared major combat
>operations over in May.
>"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the
>people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the
>lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its
>powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie,
>and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state."
>- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister
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