
Is your over drinking causing you problems? Where is
the evidence that Museveni has done a deal with
Buganda over the 3rd term?

I told you people long time ago that Museveni has the
power to do anything he wants. Museveni does not need
Buganda if he wants a 3rd term. No one can stop him
because he is an executive President. He has the army,
and who controls the army in Uganda and indeed in most
of the third world calls the tunes.

Leave Buganda out of your stupidity. Buganda wants
federo for all.

--- Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bwambuga
> Thanks to Museveni, Buganda's prayers have been
> answered And people like
> Mwaami Kibuuka, Kasangwaawo and Dr. Kigongo must
> feel very good for they
> have stated over and over that federalism is the
> only solution to Uganda's
> problem, and The Movement has come through, so in
> essence their kwebaka is
> further guaranteed. And now that The Movement is
> coming through, Buganda and
> The federalists must as well come through and vote
> for Museveni's sad term.
> These are very interesting days indeed, to see that
> we still have people who
> can make a deal with Museveni in 2003. So are the
> federalists. Now I wonder
> what they will ask for again.
> Em
>             The Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>             Groupe de communication Mulindwas
> "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans
> l'anarchie"
> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2003 7:12 AM
> Subject: RE: ugnet_: Bwambuga, read  Abdullah
> Anyuru's confirmation
> Mulindwa,
> My friend you cannot beleive how many Baganda ( in
> good faith and due
> respect for the Bganda)out there are causing the
> death to millions of
> Ugandans based on mere stupidity, ignorance, utter
> imbicility, total
> destruction, and complete pride in displaying their
> lack of understanding.
> My Ssenyange is one of those who who baffle me. Any
> way I will rest his case
> in peace as soon as I get this thing scanned into my
> system. Hey you heard
> about the Buganda Fedral thing that dictator
> Museveni came up with recently.
> As has always been, UPC will always lead them by the
> nose.
> Good day Mulindwa,
> Bwambuga.
> "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Bwambuga
> >
> >It bothers me why our people do not know this
> historical facts, for I am
> >sure Mwaami Ssenyange posted that one out of pure
> ignorance. And I think
> >Mwaami Bwambuga you will do a great service to
> clear that one as well.
> >
> >Em
> >
> > The Mulindwas Communication Group
> >"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> > Groupe de communication Mulindwas
> >"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans
> l'anarchie"
> >
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 9:33 PM
> >Subject: RE: ugnet_: Re: Bwambuga, read Abdullah
> Anyuru's confirmation
> >
> >
> >Mr. Ssenyange,
> >I will get you the exact moment when these words
> were used on the issue of
> >the lost counties when after Dr. Obote had
> preferred for a referrundum to
> be
> >held and some of the Baganda expressed their
> reservations about it. This
> was
> >a highly placed Muganda who had also crossed over
> from the DP side.
> >as for Abdallah Anyuru, let me tell you something
> that some of you may not
> >have known. Mr. Anyuru was from Lango alright; but
> did not automatically
> >make him like Dr. Obote. He was one of those who
> did not like Dr. Obote. It
> >was a democratic country after all. He had his
> rights to do so. When Idi
> >Amin took over and made him a prominent figure, he
> had to justify his
> "luck"
> >by first try and validate anything concocted on Dr.
> Obote to suit the
> >emotions of the day in Buganda. All it took was for
> one to rehaers those
> >phrases over and over, and those Baganda will be
> happy. You know what I
> >mean. So Abdallah said what he had to say
> regardless of whether it was true
> >or not. Just like if you have to prove that Iddi
> Amin was "crazy" tell
> >people that he "...ate humans..." and the point is
> driven home.
> >I will get the proofe for you in a little while.
> >
> >Bwambuga.
> >
> >
> >
> >"ssenya nyange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>Mr. Bwambuga,
> >> you wrote that those words ( a good Muganda is a
> >>dead one) were actually uttered by a typical
> Muganda. Who is that typical
> >>Muganda?
> >>
> >> Please read more evidence from a politician of
> those days below:
> -
> >-------------...........................
> >>>Welcome To The Sunday Vision online: Uganda's
> leading weekly
> >>>
> >>> Amin with Archbishop Janan Luwum
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>> .............. On February 17, former chairman
> of the Public Service
> >>>Commission Abdallah Anyuru made an astounding
> revelation, confirming that
> >>>the most despicable scourge of Africa was
> tribalism, the disease that
> made
> >>>Obote say, "The best Muganda is a dead Muganda."
> >>>
> >>> It was difficult to imagine someone who ruled
> Uganda for
> >>>eight years under the distinguished umbrella of
> unity, turn around to
> >drive
> >>>a wedge between people. If he planned to
> exterminate the masses after he
> >>>had used them to regain power, did he prefer to
> come back to rule the
> >>>elephants and the Uganda Kobs roaming in our
> national parks?
> >>> Obote's criminal obsession with tribalism put
> otherwise innocent Acholi
> >>>and Langi in immeasurable danger...............
> >>
> >>_________________________________________________
> >>
> >>J. Ssenyange
> >>
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> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >--
> >He it is Who created for you all that is on
> earth...He is the All-knower of
> >everything.
> >Swaddaq Allahu Al-Adhim.
> >
> >Michael Bwambuga.
> >
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=== message truncated ===


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