2 minutes ago

NEW DELHI, India - Four bomb blasts rocked India's financial capital of Bombay on Monday, killing at least 25 people and injuring 150 others, a state government official said.


The explosions shook buildings in Bombay. Telephone lines in the city were jammed and mobile phone services briefly crashed as panicked Bombay residents called family and friends.

Police issued security alerts for Bombay and New Delhi, the Indian capital, after the explosions, calling policemen back from leave in case of further trouble.

The bombings killed at least 25 people and wounded 150 others — at least 40 of them critically wounded, said Kulkarni, an official in the office of the state's deputy chief minister. His first name was not immediately available.

The explosions came the same day as the release of a long-anticipated archaeological report on a religious site in northern India claimed by both Hindus and Muslims. The dispute has been linked to previous Bombay blasts.

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