
"learned and knowledgeable" indeed !

Who started this "...he said she said....." stuff ? Just take a look at your posting of 9 August below. No, I'll help you. You say:
"My evidence comes from a cery good friend of mine, but he was sharing a girl friend with the Late Kabaka while he was still in power as President. "

And you call that reliable information ! Is there a better example of hearsay ?


Subject: RE: ugnet_: Kasangwao, Matovu! Eddy Mutesa (RIP) was an Alcoholic!
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2003 07:19:46 -0400

Your arguement is too cheap for me. I am very well learned and knowledgeable Uganda in case you did not know. I think you are doing total deservice to your nation, abd people by involving your self in "...he said she said....." scheme.
You are displaying mere ignorance and lack of information and ability to know what you are saying. God Bless your heart and children who God Willing, will grow up under your deceitfull environment. An behold you take pride in them.


"Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On all accusations made, on all love Buganda has to her Kingdom, would Obote
>poison Muteesa and the person who knew about it decide to be anonymous
>except to you?
>Let us remember that what we are discussing today is both of great
>importance to a whole mass of people and the History of  Uganda as a nation.
>So I would encourage every one to stick on the facts, for there are those
>who are going to read these facts and take them for whole truth and help you
>God. That is why I stated before that the cause of death of Mutesa was not
>by poison from Obote. Can I back that claim? Yes the Post Mortem made in
>London and in a nation which was against Obote is available. I hope you can
>produce the evidence backing "that Some one", Secondly I stated that the
>funds which were sent to Mutesa and his family even after his death all way
>through to Amin, can be backed up by records in Bank of  Uganda, which is in
>Uganda today. So let us not take these things that likely, for they are of
>great Historical importance.
>            The Mulindwas Communication Group
>"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
>"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "jonah kasangwawo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 4:05 PM
>Subject: Re: ugnet_: Matovu! Eddy Mutesa (RIP) was an Alcoholic!
>> Bwambuga,
>> we also know that someone (identity known) put poison in Sir Freddie's
>> drink, which led to his eventual death. This evidence comes from someone
>> spent the last few years of the King's life looking after him and was
>> therefore very close to him. I therefore fail to see why you think that
>> allegations are stronger than what you call Matovu's "false accusations".
>> On the other hand, you might be confusing your information with that about
>> known alcoholic in Lusaka.
>> Kasangwawo
>> >Subject: ugnet_: Matovu! Eddy Mutesa (RIP) was an Alcoholic!
>> >Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2003 23:19:36 -0400
>> >
>> >Matovu,
>> >We know that Kabaka Fred Mutesa (RIP) was a seroius alcoholic case. And
>> >died from Alcohol Poisoning. My evidence comes from a cery good friend of
>> >mine, but he was sharing a girl friend with the Late Kabaka while he was
>> >still in power as President. This friend is a typical Muganda and big
>> >supporter of the royalty. He says it was a well known fact among the late
>> >Kabaka's confidants that his alcohol would sooner rather than later kill
>> >him. And kill him it did.
>> >This should put to rest Matovu's false accusations of Obote. This is like
>> >the other quotation about "....a dead Muganda....", Turns out those words
>> >were actually uttered by a typical Muganda, but hell wishers just pushed
>> >to Obote to suit their ill intentioned politiking and subjecting Ugandans
>> >to false history.
>> >Bwambuga.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >"Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> > >Mwaami Kasangwawo
>> > >
>> > >I do not think that any body in a right mind needs a proof of Amin's
>> > >brutality, and I do not think that there is any body arguing about it,
>> >what
>> > >is bothering people is the way we want to attack this problem of a
>> >Ugandan
>> > >president whose family wants to take home and the operative word home
>> >to
>> > >Kololo, remember this man has a land he is not a beggar for land to be
>> > >buried on, Amin is not like Kiseka who NRM had to borrow land to burry
>> >him
>> > >officially, he is not like Lule who ended up in Kololo where any
>> >government
>> > >will dig him up, trust me, for better use of that real estate. Amin
>> >wants
>> > >to go to Koboko and rest. Whether alive or dead.
>> > >
>> > >Should have I gone into this discussion? And the answer is no, but I
>> > >very disturbed to see how the Museveni virus has affected Ugandans. We
>> >are
>> > >not responsible for any or all of our actions.
>> > >
>> > >Because Dr. Kigongo posted on Ugandanet that Amin was a bad leader so
>> > >should be buried in Saudi Arabia. Can he tell us whether Saudi Arabian
>> > >dissidents are buried in Uganda?
>> > >
>> > >Our nation needs prayers, for I expected better from him but hey he is
>> > >Doctor.
>> > >
>> > >Em
>> > >
>> > > The Mulindwas Communication Group
>> > >"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>> > > Groupe de communication Mulindwas
>> > >"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
>> > >----- Original Message -----
>> > >From: "jonah kasangwawo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > >Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 4:14 PM
>> > >Subject: Re: ugnet_: I LOVE AMIN SAYS NASUR
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >> For all apologists for the killers of Ugandans, I am posting below a
>> > >letter
>> > >> which is representative of thousands of similar cases. The fact that
>> >these
>> > >> killers have not yet been taken to court does not relieve them of the
>> > >> responsibility for the murder of thousands of Ugandans. There are
>> >of
>> > >> reasons why people have not managed to take these killers to court -
>> >lack
>> > >of
>> > >> resources, time, et cetera.
>> > >>
>> > >> As I said before, the following case represents thousands and
>> >of
>> > >> similar cases in our short history. The letter appeared on 28 July (I
>> > >think
>> > >> in the Monitor). Think about it !
>> > >>
>> > >> Kasangwawo.
>> > >> ==============
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >> Amin killed my father, uncle on the same day!
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >> I have been following newspaper headlines about Idi Amin's health
>> > >condition.
>> > >>
>> > >> Well, all of us will have to die one day but those who took away the
>> > >> innocent lives of others must be humiliated even in death. Those who
>> >never
>> > >> directly suffered the wrath of Amin have been writing and taking
>> >lightly
>> > >the
>> > >> crimes he committed. But some of us are still bleeding with pain and
>> > >sorrow,
>> > >> which he inflicted on our families.
>> > >>
>> > >> It was Sept. 18, 1972. My father, the late Gregory Akiiki Katera,
>> > >> Accountant of what was then Tooro District Administration and his
>> >cousin
>> > >> Matthew Apuli Kandole, then Chief Administrative Officer, were picked
>> >from
>> > >> Mucwa Chambers, where they were attending a district meeting with
>> > >> district officials.
>> > >>
>> > >> They were taken to Karuziika, the current palace of the King of Tooro
>> >then
>> > >> occupied by the military. The man who arrested them, one Jackson,
>> > >> testified in court in the 1980s that it was the commanding officer
>> >named
>> > >> Col. Onah who had sent him to pick them.
>> > >>
>> > >> Col. Onah was later arrested but he also testified in court that the
>> >order
>> > >> came directly from Amin and that my father and his brother were sent
>> > >Amin
>> > >> that night.
>> > >>
>> > >> Both Jackson and Onah were acquitted on grounds that it was Amin
>> > >responsible
>> > >> for the death of our father. Since that day, we never saw our dear
>> >father
>> > >> and his brother.
>> > >>
>> > >> I was in Primary 2 and my father passed by our school to pick us up
>> > >have
>> > >> lunch with us. In the evening, a family friend drove home crying that
>> >dad
>> > >> had been picked and taken to the barracks.
>> > >>
>> > >> How and where they were killed or buried is still a mystery. We
>> >suffered
>> > >> tremendously socially, physically and psychologically.
>> > >>
>> > >> I would agree with those calling for amnesty for Amin if he had only
>> > >> committed political crimes. But Amin was a common criminal and he
>> >should
>> > >> take personal responsibility and be prosecuted whether alive or post
>> > >humous.
>> > >>
>> > >> How then can sections of Ugandans, for political reasons or
>> > >> advocate for a decent burial for Amin when many of us had our
>> > >> parents murdered in cold blood and buried like dogs or thrown to
>> > >for
>> > >> crocodiles to feast on? They also needed a decent burial more than
>> > >> deserves.
>> > >>
>> > >> Those of us who had our dear ones murdered should form a club and
>> >ensure
>> > >> that justice is done.
>> > >> Joseph K. Katera,
>> > >> Kampala.
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >> >From: "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > >> >Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > >> >To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > >> >CC: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > >> >Subject: ugnet_: I LOVE AMIN SAYS NASUR
>> > >> >Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 02:32:01 -0400
>> > >> >
>> > >> >Mwaami Kironde
>> > >> >
>> > >> >You see this is the very tragedy we have in Uganda. We base our
>> >beliefs
>> > >not
>> > >> >on facts not on statistics, not on proven ideas, but on
>> >And
>> > >I
>> > >> >am having a very hot debate about this "Ban'gambye, nawulidde" Crap
>> > >> >another Ugandan forum as we speak. We have failed to base our
>> >reasoning
>> > >on
>> > >> >facts. And in the end we have a population which accepts these
>> >as
>> > >> >proven, yet on the other side we have people in leadership who use
>> >these
>> > >> >Lugambo's for political achievements. And that is a very terrible
>> >of
>> > >> >running things even in your own home. This is not about freedom of
>> > >> >expression, this is not about letting Nassur enjoy it, this is to
>> >state
>> > >> >what you know for a fact. But we come in forums and in public and we
>> >set
>> > >> >Lugambo as fire, and let me give you an example, Mwaami Matovu came
>> >into
>> > >> >this very forum and he stated as he knew for a fact that Mutesa was
>> > >> >poisoned by Obote. Was this a new lie? No it started in Katwe and no
>> >body
>> > >> >ever tried to ask him self can this be true? It became an accepted
>> >norm,
>> > >> >only that I expected Lutimba to know better, to know that even if
>> > >have
>> > >> >never been to London surely that statement is a crude lie. Matovu
>> > >expected
>> > >> >all of us to sweep it under the mat, and many of you did. And I am
>> > >here
>> > >> >to tell Matovu to like Obote, but c'mon.
>> > >> >But here we are, Nassur can not add insult to injury. Okay then let
>> > >ask
>> > >> >Why is Obura and Ssebirumbi dead when Nassur is alive? Why did NRM
>> >allow
>> > >> >Tito Okello to come back to Uganda yet the same NRM through its
>> > >> >Yoweri Museveni said that if Obote comes back to Uganda I will kill
>> >him?
>> > >> >Yet both of them are former presidents? And the only answer I will
>> > >from
>> > >> >you will be Mulindwa you are a UPC supporter. No I want you to tell
>> > >the
>> > >> >difference between those two presidents. You are talking about a man
>> >who
>> > >> >was arrested and taken through the most corrupt system of justice in
>> > >> >Africa, Nassur's case became political and he ended up released. Let
>> >me
>> > >> >tell you for a fact that if Nassur had surely killed that man in
>> >Masaka,
>> > >> >NRM would have released him and mob justice would have taken him out
>> > >> >already and we know many such cases. Why is he free in Bombo? But we
>> >must
>> > >> >condemn him for the likes of Nassur thousands of Ugandans failed to
>> > >escape
>> > >> >death. Was it Nassur killing them? And what about under the likes of
>> > >Moses
>> > >> >Ali or Mustafa Adrisi were Ugandans escaping deaths? So it was only
>> >under
>> > >> >the Nassur's?
>> > >> >
>> > >> >The man has challenged you publicly, that if he made you eat sandals
>> >put
>> > >up
>> > >> >your hand today. Today when he is still alive and in Bombo, do not
>> >wait
>> > >for
>> > >> >him to be in a comma as you have done on Amin. That is a direct
>> > >challenge,
>> > >> >Kironde did Nassur force you to eat them that is all we want to
>> >You
>> > >> >are not answering that but you want Nassur to shut up and take full
>> > >> >responsibly of the consequences of his freedom of expression.
>> > >> >
>> > >> >How about your self?
>> > >> >
>> > >> >Em
>> > >> >
>> > >> > The Mulindwas Communication Group
>> > >> >"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>> > >> > Groupe de communication Mulindwas
>> > >> >"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
>> > >> > ----- Original Message -----
>> > >> > From: Ed Kironde
>> > >> > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > >> > Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 10:22 PM
>> > >> > Subject: RE: ugnet_: I LOVE AMIN SAYS NASUR
>> > >> >
>> > >> >
>> > >> > I AM FOR FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION and if I had a chance, I would
>> >probably
>> > >> >encourage Nasur to keep quite on certain issues. Having said that,
>> >Nasur
>> > >> >must be willing to take full responsibility of the consequences of
>> > >> >freedom of expression. Adding insult to injury while trying to fit
>> > >> >society having escaped the noose, where thousands of Ugandans failed
>> >to
>> > >> >escape[under the likes of Nasur's ] reign.
>> > >> >
>> > >> >
>> > >> >
>> > >> > ---
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>> > >>
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>> >Swaddaq Allahu Al-Adhim.
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