Omukulu Pike

Adding to my friend Kasangwawo's very intelligently produced facts I would
as well like to make the following observations.

Who are the Federalist?

One must ask him/her self this question if you are addressing this very
important question on or about the people/s who are trying to change our
nation for ever, from Unitary to federalism. Is it only a Mukulu Kibuuka's
dream? Do we have a Ugandan structure out there which strongly believes that
Federalism is the solution to Uganda's problem/s? And the answer is a pure
No. So we come back to the grass roots and ask our selves the basic
question, who are the people yapping about federalism in Uganda?

They are the Democratic Party members who are trying to see that DP can get
a hand in Buganda. You see DP has had a huge problem to get a hold in
Buganda, they have a common enemy by the name UPC. So there had to devise a
means to get a hand on Buganda if DP will ever have a dream to lead Uganda.
So the attack on its politics through federalism. And the connected plan
goes this way, let us gain the support of Buganda by telling Buganda that
through federalism Mutebi will be the president of Uganda. And the ill
informed Baganda apparently bought that crap. If you look attentively to the
postings on Fedenet, and if you listen very carefully to the feds you will
realise that they are not talking about changes in Uganda's political
achive, what is taking place in Fedenet discussion group is the utter attack
and destruction of Obote and UPC. Now as a non UPC member must wonder why?

And the answer is this, DP has only one public enemy. UPC and Obote. That is
why Federalists have failed all along to state their case with out
mentioning Nakulabye, the attack of Lubiri and so on. Now the Kibuuka's have
at least got the audecy of publicly declaring them selves as sympathisers of
DPs but the Kasangwawo's can not reach that stage for they even have a
problem calling them selves their right names, (Which we now know by the

For the record, Federalism is a very good political structure, can it work
in Uganda? Is a discussion of another day. But it is very wrong for DP as a
Political party to hide its self into a sheep's cloth while using a good man
like Mwaami Kibuuka to sell an entity that we MIGHT use in Uganda at a later
time. That is very wrong. And it is as wrong as trying to use UNAA in Boston
for the selling of the same crap.
Ugandans are getting better in following issues that matter on their nation,
and DP must recognise that.

And thanks to Ugandans for being smart and looked through this crap, Fedenet
discussion group destruction refers.

The name is still EM
In Toronto
            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

----- Original Message -----
From: "jonah kasangwawo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 11:02 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: ugnet_: 'Federo' is a fantasy

> Mwaami Pike,
> I am forwarding some comments I sent to 'ugandanet' concerning the New
> Vision editorial which appeared on 26 August 2003 (attached below). I
> have thought that a national newspaper like New Vision would make an
> to follow what Ugandans of different political leanings have to say about
> several issues concerning their country. The presence of at least one
> of your staff on a discussion list such as 'ugandanet' should, to my mind,
> be of paramount importance. I was therefore surprised at the lack of
> knowledge displayed by the writer of the editorial in question. But, just
> read for yourself.
> Kasangwawo
> >From: "jonah kasangwawo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: ugnet_: 'Federo' is a fantasy
> >Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 17:00:02 +0000
> >
> >I must admit that I've never found the New Vision editorials brilliant,
> >this one was one of the worst I've read. It was written from a position
> >ignorance and assumptions. Here just a few questions/comments to the
> >editor:
> >
> >- What sort of dominance are you talking about - political, economic or
> >what ?
> >
> >- Where did you get the idea that officials in the Federal State of
> >will be appointed by the Kabaka ?
> >
> >- You ask what will happen to LCs. Excuse me, where have you been ? There
> >will be no LCs in Buganda under federal governance. We have our
> >councils such as Ssaza, Muluka, Ggombolola councils. Consequently, there
> >will be no additional layer of administration.
> >
> >- Your fourth point does not make any sense. At the core of federalism is
> >the sharing of power between the Federal (central) government and State
> >(regional) governments. Underlying this responsibility is the fiscal
> >which is also part of the essence of the federal system of governance.
> >regardless of the nonsense emanating from the corner of the National
> >Political Commissar (oh, how reminiscent of the communist times), under a
> >true federal system, Buganda would collect taxes.
> >You seem to forget that under a unitary system as we have now, a peasant
> >Buganda might also rightly ask why his tax payments go to Lango or
> >Jopadholaland.
> >
> >- I don't know where you got the information that Baganda don't like
> >federo, but the only record available (the Odoki comm. report) points to
> >the opposite, and it was done when the LC system was in existence. In any
> >case, LC officials do not make up the majority of the population.
> >
> >Dear Editor, federo, far from being a fantasy, is the future of a more
> >prosperous and peaceful Uganda. You only need to get educated about it.
> >
> >Kasangwawo.
> >
> >PS.
> >How come you do not give any comments on the other topic you started
with -
> >the lifting of term limits for the presidency ?
> >
> >>From: "Mitayo Potosi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Subject: ugnet_: 'Federo' is a fantasy
> >>Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 17:35:19 +0000
> >>
> >>Editorial : newvision 26/8/2003
> >>
> >>'Federo' is a fantasy
> >>
> >>CABINET HAS decided to push for the lifting of term limits for the
> >>presidency and a return to federo.
> >>
> >>However, a representative of the Buganda kingdom has responded that the
> >>two issues should be delinked.
> >>
> >>He is right. The two issues are both too complex to consider together.
> >>
> >>In particular the restoration of federo, or a federal kingdom, is risky.
> >>
> >>Firstly, the dominance of the Buganda kingdom at independence created a
> >>political imbalance that destabilised the country.
> >>
> >>Secondly, a federal kingdom is not the most progressive form of
> >>government. As head of state, the Kabaka will appoint chiefs, ministers
> >>and officials. What will happen to the authority of democratically
> >>LC5 and LC3 officials?
> >>
> >>Thirdly, is an additional layer of administration in Buganda even
> >>necessary?
> >>
> >>Fourthly, this administration will have to be funded either by local
> >>taxation or by increased taxation by the central government. If the
> >>central government pays, a peasant in West Nile might ask why his tax
> >>payments go to the Kabaka of Buganda.
> >>
> >>Fifthly, how many Baganda truly want federo? Many elected LC officials
> >>favour loose cooperation under a charter, as Busoga is attempting, but
> >>oppose the idea of an administrative federal kingdom.
> >>
> >>Federo has become a fantasy, a dream for a return to the 1950s and 1960s
> >>when people were more prosperous and society more orderly. But it is
> >>impossible to turn the clock back. If the kingdom returns, Baganda will
> >>still find themselves in today's Uganda where the world coffee price is
> >>lower than the 1960s and KCC cannot fix the roads.
> >>
> >>It is not worth changing the Constitution for the sake of an illusion.
> >>
> >>Published on: Tuesday, 26th August, 2003
> >>
> >>Email this article to a friend.
> >>
> >>
> >>Mitayo Potosi
> >>
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