If the Sudan refugees are now raping people around Kampala why would anyone want to send them to West Nile? Is it that Ugandans in West Nile deserve to be raped or that they dont mind?

There was this Indian who was visiting Toronto. We were having a chat and he wanted to make sure that me and my friend were Baganda because he had a 'secret' to share with us.

So, in a consipiratorial manner he asked, "I guess both of you are Baganda?". Yes; we replied.

He then continued, "I tell you, Mr Museveni is a fantastic man. You never see a single soldier loitering anywhere in the South, as was the case with the passed regimes. He has relocated all the soldiers to very far away. Up there in the North. And the South is the most peaceful place you have ever seen"

This Indian was all smiles; but then he realised that me and my friend were not smiling but horrified.

He tried to change the story but it was too late.

There are many times when it is assumed that 'Baganda' are conceited, self-centred and arrogant. This is a stupid viewpoint, as universally, each social group has its share of the bad apple.

So if Sudanese are raping with impunity then we have to throw them out of the country. First it was the Rwandese Tutsis who looted our country and proceeded to ignite a genocide in Rwanda. Now it is the Sudanese?

For how long are we going to 'offer' our country for abuse to British/American/Israel imperialism?

Mitayo Potosi

   From: "gook makanga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: I Survived Rape, Says Legislator-MP
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 06:52:04 +0000

I Survived Rape, Says Legislator

By Milton Olupot and John Odyek
PARLIAMENT was yesterday shocked when Workers MP Teopista Nabulya Ssentongo reported that she narrowly survived being raped by Sudanese Refugee at her home in Namasuba, near Kampala.

Nabulya told Parliament presided over by the Deputy Speaker, Rebecca Kadaga, that her house-girl was raped by the same group that she described as armed and dangerous.

She said she reported the matter to the authorities but no action had been taken.

Nabulya said four other cases of rape by the Sudanese refugees in the same area are pending with the Police.

The MPs were debating the Prime Ministers report on the relocation of Sudanese refugees to West Nile. They wondered why the Government was reluctant about the refugees who were loitering all over the city and its suburbs.

“These people have become very dangerous, they rape women, I was almost a victim and my house-girl was raped. We are scared and if no action is taken, these people will take charge of the city,” she said.

MPs criticised the government for failure to secure the Sudanese refugees and keep them in the camps as required by the law on refugees.

They said areas like many suburbs north of the city were insecure because of the armed Sudanese refugees.

First deputy Premier Lt Gen. Moses Ali asked Nabulya to meet him.

Published on: Friday, 12th September, 2003

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"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom."- Malcom X

Mitayo Potosi

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