Mwaami Musaazi

Not only my heart, but the hearts of all understanding Ugandans, goes for
the Baganda who have got nothing out of Uganda but to be victims.


            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: "emmanuel musaazi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: IN DEFENCE OF MUNIINI MULERA Responding to Mwami

> Mulindwa you attribute a lot of statements, occurances and situations to
> people without proof or evidence, like saying that Cardinal Nsubuga
> some agreement with President Museveni on Catholics' participation in
> affairs...what rubbish. You seem to be impling that Catholics cannot
> participate in Mengo affairs on their own merit. About your proposed UPC
> Buganda seem to conveniently forget, that once upon atime in
> Uganda's history, such an alliance was concocted and we of course know the
> unfortunate results....the Baganda ended up with the short end of the
> and the subsequent murderous rein of the about lightning
> striking twice, GOD FORBID.
> >From: "jonah kasangwawo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: ugnet_: IN DEFENCE OF MUNIINI MULERA Responding to Mwami
> >Kironde's
> >Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 12:22:37 +0000
> >
> >Ha, ha ha ha ! This was funny !
> >
> >Mulindwa asks:
> >"Have you ever wondered why Obote is the most powerful politician in
> >today?"
> >
> >Which Uganda are you talking about ? I think you have been out of Uganda
> >long that you have completely lost any contact to reality. You are still
> >suffering from delusions that we are in early 80s and your man is still
> >lording it out on us. You are right though, when you say: 'you become a
> >killer and population will never forget'. That's exactly what has
> >with your man in Lusaka.
> >
> >Kasangwawo
> >
> >
> >>From: "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Subject: ugnet_: IN DEFENCE OF MUNIINI MULERA Responding to Mwami
> >>Kironde's Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2003 22:04:26 -0400
> >>
> >>Mwaami Kironde
> >>
> >>I am very sorry for you have decided to twist my posting to your usual
> >>liners, and this was not the purpose when I responded to Mwaami
> >>Ssemakula's posting. First of all I think that if you see that I have
> >>in the defence of my neighbour Munini Mulera, that should be enough to
> >>tell you that I have seen that we are taking a wrong road, and Mwami
> >>Ssemakula's posting was doing nothing but exactly that. For as you are
> >>stating in your own posting, Uganda society has a community, and that
> >>community makes decisions depending on what has happened to it, or to
> >>has been done to it. Let us go back to Uganda's history.
> >>Have you ever wondered why Obote is the most powerful politician in
> >>today? I mean doesn't it bother you why a man who was over thrown out of
> >>power some 20 plus years ago, is still very powerful in Uganda politics
> >>today? NRM has made it a point to fight him not factually but by
> >>tarnishing his name. You as a member of fednet know full well  how DP
> >>used federalism to get the Buganda vote, and they have done that by not
> >>discussing federalism but by attacking UPC and Obote day in and day out.
> >>As we speak today, Federalists are eating crow, but Obote is still in
> >>exile and very quite. When NRM came to power, they knew full well that
> >>they put a free election in Uganda, Ugandans were going to elect several
> >>UPC members, so they went into the log book and got a new chapter, let
> >>attack UPC morally and then put all elections in the public. For the
> >>record, the reason why NRM's first election was to stand behind your
> >>candidate, was to see who will elect a UPC member, and then as in Luwero
> >>NRM would come at night and kill you. It was to pin point. It is amazing
> >>that to today Obote has more supporters in Uganda than any other
> >>leader. If you do not believe me put a free and fair election in Uganda
> >>today and you will be amazed, infact even NRM knows this that is why we
> >>will never have a democratic election untill when Museveni gets a kidney
> >>stone problem.
> >>
> >>But it is important for you Mwaami Kironde to understand that this is
> >>due to the hard work of Obote, it is due to the trust Ugandans have in
> >>man. Go home and ask Ugandans, why they go to Kampala road and sing UPC
> >>when they know that they are going to be shot by NRM at spot. They will
> >>tell you that the man is worth the trust. So population is a very
> >>important factor in our nations. You can do good and the population will
> >>never forget, you become a killer and population will never forget. And
> >>that is why my reasoning last night to Mwami Ssemakula was very simple,
> >>Mwaami Muniini Mulera is wrong, we do not need Mwami Ssemakula to defend
> >>Buganda. For the jury of the Ugandan society is out there, and if
> >>has been part and parcel in the sufferings of the population in Northern
> >>Uganda, trust me Northerners know. And I can add this as well that if
> >>Buganda has been suffering together with the North, Buganda can even
> >>a long term political understanding with North, even in things like
> >>federalism creation. But if we got a killer in Kampala and we joined the
> >>calling our fellow Ugandans  "Biological substance" those are facts
> >>will never go away, and the departure of Museveni will only tell us how
> >>much damage we have done to our selves and our nation. So do not even
> >>bother defending Buganda, Buganda's defence is only one. Her actions
> >>Ugandans are buried day and night.
> >>
> >>Let me move quickly, you of all people in these forums know me as a
> >>who respects the dead, and I have gone out of my way to see that
> >>are buried with respect as much as possible. But one mistake I do not
> >>I do not clean up people's names. When any body dies his actions go with
> >>him. And we must be very careful that we do not turn the respect of the
> >>dead into covering the killers. Here I come to your sentence and I quote
> >>As a politician, and am sure you have a handful following in your
> >>community, what would be the intention of portraying the late Cardinal
> >>Nsubuga as a murderer?"
> >>Mwaami Kironde you are destroying this discussion, for what many people
> >>these forums do when they read such a statement, is to make only one
> >>decision. I am not going to be involved into such nonsense, then we in
> >>essence loose what we would have learned. Yes I know many of our members
> >>who just said, we have enough things to do with our time forget Uganda
> >>forums for there is nothing good we can get out of it.
> >>Kironde is Matek portraying cardinal Nsubuga as a murderer? Of what
> >>is it to Matek? Cardinal Nsubuga for the record is dead and was buried.
> >>What value would it be of Matek to attack this man? In all Ugandans who
> >>have played a part in our politics, why did he only comment about
> >>Why not other Baganda, even those who were KYs? Why Cardinal Nsubuga?
> >>
> >>Mwaami Kionde Cardinal Nsubuga played a very big part into the creation
> >>the killer government we have in Uganda. In fact one of the reason why
> >>your government has refused us as Luwerorians to have a free and
> >>independent inquirely on who killed our people, is the protection of
> >>Cardinal Nsubuga's name. For the killers who were murdering Ugandans
> >>being trained in Nsubuga's own ranch and Uganda's know it and you your
> >>self know it. Mwaami Kironde, one of the conditions that Nsubuga gave to
> >>Museveni for his support to the war on Uganda government, was to make
> >>that the Catholic church gets a hand into the Mengo administration.
> >>Kironde we today have for the first time a Catholic as a Katikiro of
> >>Buganda and appointed directly by Museveni. All previous Katikiro's have
> >>never been appointed by a central government, and have all been
> >>Protestants. My question to you, what was cardinal Nsubuga's thinking?
> >>That he people trained in his farm were going to work with Oxfam to
> >>corn?
> >>For the record I have a more detailed information on the involvement of
> >>Cardinal Nsubuga into the building of NRM, and I have not posted it all
> >>along for the respect of the dead. Mwaami Kironde Nsubuga was a killer
> >>Ugandans know it for a fact. In fact you as an NRM member know it too
> >>except that you are playing dam for you think every body is sleeping.
> >>is dangerous game you are re playing, with the Ugandan society.
> >>
> >>And lastly let me again quote you "Stop diverting your own atrocities on
> >>your own kin and then blame it to Buganda or the catholic community."
> >>Mwaami Kironde, do you think that was a fair statement to not only make
> >>about your fellow netter, but post in a public forum?
> >>
> >>I think I have rumbled enough.
> >>
> >>Em
> >>
> >>
> >>             The Mulindwas Communication Group
> >>"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> >>             Groupe de communication Mulindwas
> >>"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
> >>   ----- Original Message -----
> >>   From: Ed Kironde
> >>   Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 12:43 PM
> >>   Subject: RE: ugnet_: Re: [Ugandacom] IN DEFENCE OF MUNIINI MULERA
> >>
> >>
> >>   There is no way the suffering in Northern Uganda would have continued
> >>for now 18 years if some elements within some of our fellow citizens in
> >>Buganda (yes including the Late Cardinal Nsubuga) were not in cohorts
> >>the NRM murderers to eat and destroy Uganda. This is a bitter fact.
> >>Matekopoko
> >>
> >>   This is the most bizarre statement so far.  If you have failed to
> >>Joseph Kony for slaughtering Ugandans in the northern part of the
> >>and now in Teso, then you shift the blame on a dead respected leader in
> >>our society, we have a lot of work to do.  Blaming Buganda for the
> >>slaughter of the Acholi seems to be the official stand of the UPC
> >>leadership - even when Obote writes about the LRA rebels he puts the
> >>in quotes. You guys are seated on the truth and it is only fair to talk
> >>your UPC members to stop the insurgency and do not blame Buganda.  Dr
> >>Rwanyarare has already vowed to take up arms if the land deal is
> >>- I wonder how many times he is going to do that.
> >>
> >>   Matekopoko is being certain of something you know nothing about.
> >>do you intend to achieve by enticing your community that Buganda is to
> >>blame for the slaughter of the Acholi people for the past 18 years?  As
> >>politician, and am sure you have a handful following in your community,
> >>what would be the intention of portraying the late Cardinal Nsubuga as a
> >>murderer?  This takes me back to my thinking that LRA has been and still
> >>is the fighting wing for UPC.  Stop diverting your own atrocities on
> >>own kin and then blame it to Buganda or the catholic community.  Some of
> >>the people in Northern Uganda know what the politicians are
doing -blaming
> >>Buganda in the day and recruit at night.
> >>
> >>   You are bankrupt of ideas Mr Matekopoko and regionalizing this
> >>insurgency and crediting it to Cardinal Nsubuga is clear testimony to
> >>that.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>   ---
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> >>
> >
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