In a message dated 9/14/2003 2:50:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Kaguta may even have an indefinite time to operate in Sudan territory. The problem is not in Sudan. It it is right with him
Charles Eliba

You are quiet correct in your assertion above. But then the NRM/A have failed to realise this basic fact. I think it was Ms Winnie Byanyima who once pointed out that Kony is in Yoweri Museveni's State house in Nakasero.

In any case,  it is not the first time that the UPDF  have been allowed or rather have stayed in Southern Sudan  for months hunting or searching  for KONI Rebels.

If indeed, stationing troops in Southern Sudan  could  solve the KONI problem, the KONI REBEL  issue could have been solved long time ....but then sometime  one must be allowed "beat a dead horse " so to say, only to realize  that the horse is not moving!!!


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