You are now making me very scared, are you saying that shutting down Nsubuga was impossible? You see my problem is very simple, we can sit here and spend all our lives blaming the Kironde's who were marching soldiers, the Kironde's who may be were eating meat which they never cared to know where it was coming from, but Cardinal Nsubuga had a physical base. A base that could have been shut down. The then Uganda government, I will not blame it for failing to stop NRM operations in Luwero District for the Kironde's were blowing up patients in ambulances and running away, that was a war and I am not going to sit here and blame Uganda government for that. But Cardinal Nsubuga as I said before, had a known establishment, a ranch in Ssingo that was not only used for training the Kironde's but feeding them too. And my question is, who is it in that government that had the power to shut down that ranch who did not? Now we have a history of Iddi Amin killing Jonan Luwum, and it wasted his reputation, did that government know of Nsubuga's actions and refused to act for it feared its name would have been wasted as Amin's? Is that what you mean by "Getting the bulls  by the horns impossible"? Godfrey Ssingo had no reason to be insecure, and if UPC's failing to shut down Cardinal Nsubuga's ranch costed us even one baby's life, Ugandans need and must know. Now that I do not expect answers in these forums, a public inquirely again is my next solution.
Who had the authority to shut down Cardinal Emanuel Nsubuga's ranch in Ssingo and failed to use it?
            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 5:28 AM

Knowing was one thing, but getting the bulls by the horns was something different and almost impossible. The late Nsubuga's intentions and activities re-enforced by M7, some individual Ugandans even those who served under the UPC II, politicians and political groupings was no secret. For example, take a look at the line-up after the overthrow of UPC II. Investigations into the Luwero killings and other killings would be the best thing that can ever happen to Uganda.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 10:42 AM

But I think UPC was as well wrong. For I somehow feel that the then government knew of the covert actions of Nsubuga and UPC failed the people of Uganda to act on that old man for respect of his religion and position. I do not know but I think I have enough blame to go around. But again a public inquirely is the only way we can sort this crap out. For I have a problem believing that Nsubuga's hand in the blood of the murdered Ugandans is news today to UPC. What action/s did that government take? Some body should be accountable and tell us as Ugandans how we were protected by the then government.
            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 3:37 AM

Doesn't it bother you that the late Cardinal Emmanuel Nsubuga did aid the brutal beast come to power?, Did he support M7 in the name and on behalf of Buganda?, Was it Buganda or Nsubuga who supported M7?, Kironde; the Luwero & Ssingo tails hold no more water. A rude awakening awaits you.
May he burn in eternal hell for having danced and dinned with the devil, may he rot in hell for having desecrated the holy Eucharist with bloody hands.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 1:45 AM

Yes you let him slide away. LOL. Can I put in only one suggestion, in this Matek/ Kironde exchange? How about putting  in Uganda a free inquirely so that Ugandans can tell what they know? Surely Mwaami Kironde, democratic as your government is, you can do this. let us allow Ugandans to tell us how UNLA murdered Ugandans in Luwero and Ssingo, may be it will give us a chance to understand how Obote is a killer? Mwaami Kironde can I count on you to back my standing on a free and international monitored inqurirely, as the one which took place in Rwanda to know who exactly killed our people? Is it NRM or UNLA?
            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2003 7:22 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re: [Ugandacom] IN DEFENCE OF MUNIINI MULERA

...and you thought  I was going to let Ed Kironde slide way  with no response from this end.

First of all, Cardinal Emmanual Nsubuga's conspiracy with Yoweri Museveni  Kaguta  to create wars in our country is a well known fact. There are still some UNLA top ranking officers who are alive and can testify to this fact.   and what do you have to say to that my friend?

Secondly, the NRM/A Created KONY because of your ( meaning NRM) Militaristic policy  in Northern Uganda   immediately following   NRM's   raise to power which saw the systematic and deliberately   targeting of the  Acholi for mass murder and slaughter, rape sodomy e.t.c

Now the bold headed one, the warmonger Yoweri Kaguta Mucebeni, has to sleep deep there in the Jungle of teso .. I hear to fight KONY.  Indeed he has been fighting KONI for now 18 years.... and inspite of claims by the likes  of Kazini that Mbu we have KONI's Kaunda suit we norrowlly missed the man,  KONI is  still there  driving Kaguta NUTS!

This for man who often parades himself (in the Capital of US and Britain ) Mbu he is a military Genus!  18 years later Kaguta is still fighting KONI!


In a message dated 9/9/2003 12:49:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<I style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal">There is no way the suffering in Northern Uganda would have continued for now 18 years if some elements within some of our fellow citizens in Buganda (yes including the Late Cardinal Nsubuga) were not in cohorts with the NRM murderers to eat and destroy Uganda. This is a bitter fact.  Matekopoko

This is the most bizarre statement so far.  If you have failed to blame Joseph Kony for slaughtering Ugandans in the northern part of the country and now in Teso, then you shift the blame on a dead respected leader in our society, we have a lot of work to do.  Blaming Buganda for the slaughter of the Acholi seems to be the official stand of the UPC leadership – even when Obote writes about the LRA rebels he puts the word in quotes. You guys are seated on the truth and it is only fair to talk to your UPC members to stop the insurgency and do not blame Buganda.  Dr Rwanyarare has already vowed to take up arms if the land deal is approved – I wonder how many times he is going to do that.

Matekopoko is being certain of something you know nothing about.  What do you intend to achieve by enticing your community that Buganda is to blame for the slaughter of the Acholi people for the past 18 years?  As a politician, and am sure you have a handful following in your community, what would be the intention of portraying the late Cardinal Nsubuga as a murderer?  This takes me back to my thinking that LRA has been and still is the fighting wing for UPC.  Stop diverting your own atrocities on your own kin and then blame it to Buganda or the catholic community.  Some of the people in Northern Uganda know what the politicians are doing –blaming Buganda in the day and recruit at night.

You are bankrupt of ideas Mr Matekopoko and regionalizing this insurgency and crediting it to Cardinal Nsubuga is clear testimony to that.

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