Does any one remember my posting on the very pathetic way Uganda Matoke going to London was packed, yes that posting which Mwaami Kironde laughed at. Well here we go, like I said Uganda can not survive in its island of ignorance, and that very same problem is facing the exportation of Uganda Waragi, for a very simple reason that the bottles are not standard. The bush has really failed to get out of our government.
            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 6:21 PM
Subject: ugnet_: Europe threatens to ban Uganda's fruits

Listers,what actually went awry with the enormous research efforts
at Kawanda,Serere and Namulonde Research Institutes that in the
past made Ugandan Agricultural products the envy of many?.Have
we in the past 20 or so years been spending too much on Military
research and war and ignoring Agricultural Research,while accepting
GM food products in Uganda.The effects of GM food products have far
reaching effects that no sane person will stand against it,especially
so if they want to be in good books with the US government so long as
that keeps Mu7 in perpetual power.
Read on.
Thank you.
Europe threatens to ban Uganda's fruits
By Robert Mwanje
September 16-22, 2003

KAMPALA - Uganda has up to December 31 to improve the quality of fruits and vegetables exported to Europe or suffer a ban.

A fruit farmer picks passion fruits in Luwero (File Photo).
In a bid to salvage the situation, the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries is desperately looking for Shs 3 billion to finance an emergency programme to improve the quality of these products.

He said his ministry would raise Shs1.5 billion. Government, through the ministry of Finance, is expected to provide the balance.

At stake is the millions of dollars Uganda earns from the export of pineapples, mangoes, oranges, passion fruits, cabbages and sugarcane to Europe.

Dr Kisamba Mugerwa, the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, said he needed the money for a mass sensitisation campaign of the farmers, inspection of export companies and establishment of export promotion villages.

He said he had already received several verbal communications from the European Union over the deteriorating quality of these products.

As a long-term strategy, the ministry plans to sub-divide the country into agricultural zones to produce a particular product to ensure effective monitoring.

The program has started in Wakiso, Mpigi, Luwero, Mukono, Kasese and Kamuli.

“What we want is to have a particular region producing a particular product for proper monitoring. For example if we realise that there is a problem with jack fruits we know where to go,” he said.

The ministry will enlist the support of local and foreign private firms to save the market for Uganda’s products. The ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry will take charge of the verification of the quality of all the exports.

“We shall work in conjunction with international companies, by attaching them to local exporters,” he said.

Exporters will be required to indicate where a particular product was picked.

He warned that exporters who fail to adhere to the new guidelines would be banned.

“We shall do it the way we handled the issue of fish. Fruits exporting companies will be concerned with quality since they may loose business,” Mugerwa said.

Three years ago, the European Union banned fish imports from the East African region including Uganda in which the country lost billions of shillings in export revenue.


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