September 15, 2003

Posted to the web September 15, 2003

Paul Waibale Senior


"Let me take this opportunity to educate Mayega and those who share his imagination that Museveni is made of different material. He will not concede defeat and invite Kony to take over State House. His mission is to defeat Kony at any cost and he will accomplish it."

What is that COST SIR?...  the decimation and depopulation of  the Acholi people; the  destruction of the  Teso community? ( as we write there  are  over 200,000  Teso  citizens  categorized as IDP    and many more are on the run.  for fear of Rebels)

Sir, let me remind you that there comes a time when the COST you are talking about is simply unacceptable.  May be if it the war was being fought in your Village (wherever you are from) then you will understand the pain!  Uganda Politics is Funny wait for your turn! You are the  one exhibiting  Intellectual Bankruptcy

And by the way,  how sure are you that Museveni will defeat KONY... have you consulted a witch doctor who has pronounce to you that Museveni will defeat KONY.?

IF for 17 years of fighting Museveni has so far failed to defeat KONI, wouldn't it occur to an intelligent mind (like yours I am sure) that may be Museveni is never going to defeat KONI in any case? But then again you are too smart to think along this lines!!!


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