In a message dated 9/16/2003 1:53:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Interesting, but nothing new!
Wasn't it the Africaaner King of the Country later known as Rhodesia that signed away the entire country to the British in the late 1800's. I watched the documentary sometime ago and was stupified at the magintude of his ignorance and the implications of his actions...

Ike Okwuobi
Reference: Read a brief summary of what happened below..

Ugandans in Bed With US, Betray Third World
The Monitor (Kampala)

September 15, 2003
Posted to the web September 15, 2003

Andrew M. Mwenda

Representatives of the African Union and third world countries have accused
Uganda of betraying them and supporting the United States in negotiations over
international trade taking place here.

Sources at the conference said that President Museveni has written
instructing Uganda's delegation, trade and industry minister, Prof. Edward Rugumayo, to
support the United States position on all issues, even if these were against
the position adopted by the African Union and all third world countries.

Tempers are high among the African delegations, and all other third world
delegates at the conference who are now accusing Uganda of treachery.

Uganda was a key player in discussions with other Least Developed Countries
to adopt a common position on issues ranging from market access for
manufactured goods, agricultural subsidies and Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights (Trips).

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