And yet some people claim NRA/M brought peace? If so why all these prayers for peace? Why would a "peaceful" Uganda pray for peace?


Save us from political uncertainty oh Lord, MPs pray

HAVE MERCY: MPs sing during the national prayer breakfast at Speke Resort, Munyonyo

By Henry Mukasa

MEMBERS of Parliament yesterday held a national prayer breakfast at which US based speaker Dr. Ron Jenson was guest speaker.
Jenson urged politicians to have principles and harmony.

“When you have harmony, you have the humility to forgive freely,” he said.

This was the fifth national prayer breakfast organised by Uganda Parliamentary Prayer Fellowship. The prayers were held at Speke Resort, Munyonyo.

Ethics and integrity minister Tim Lwanga said the prayer was to give the nation spiritual strength and renew the bonds of brotherhood among the faithful.

Former ethics and integrity minister Miria Matembe implored God to intervene so that Uganda isn’t plunged back into the turmoil it suffered 40 years ago.

Two MPs implored God to help the nation overcome the uncertainty that looms over the country ahead of the anticipated political transition.

He prayed that as God remembered the children of Isr ael who had suffered in Egypt for 40 years, he should send his divine intervention to Uganda.

Lt. Gen. Elly Tumwine (UPDF MP) prayed that God’s guides the nation in overcoming the anxiety gripping it over the country’s future.
Tumwine prayed to God that Ugandans live in unity as one family and that peace prevails in the entire country.

Third deputy Primer and also public service minister Henry Kajura represented the President. Present was Deputy Speaker Rebecca Kadaga.

Published on: Thursday, 9th October

"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom."- Malcom X

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