But I think there is another very crucial lesson we must learn from the death of the individual you are talking about, who I believe to be Mwaami Kibalama. This man has a history that we must look at very carefully. Omugenzi Kibalama, spent much of his time in Australia, where he both studied and worked. Kibalama decided to go back to Uganda and work for Uganda Government. Sadly he was called on to work with the investigation in the national sports organisation. This investigation has been going on for a while, where powerful Westerners have been swindling moneys left and centre. Let me back up. The gentleman who was working for this investigation before Kibalama's appointment was poisoned and died as soon as those names were going to be made public. Kibalama replaced the individual, but the investigation had to go no where except to mention the names of the same corrupt powerful ones. Kibalama was as well poisoned, and again using the medical system of Uganda. The question now becomes who is going to be number three in this position?
Now here are some important facts for us to seriously look at.
1) There has been arguments that NRM government is good for it is an open book, yes there is corruption but at least we investigate it and we do not hide it under the carpet. Mwaami Kironde is very good at that chapter. But here is the cunningness of NRM, it is true the investigations are set up, but they are fake for they are planned and controlled, and if you open up your mouth you die. But on the paper the investigations are actually present. Kibalama is dead. That goes to the arresting of people who murder Ugandans, every single murdered Ugandan has a person arrested in that murder. That was the case on Andrew kayiira, that was the case on Edward Mugalu and that was the case on many other Ugandans murdered by NRM. But to today you can not show me one conviction or even a failed conviction in these cases. But on the paper some one was arrested and very immediately. That same logic goes to freedom of press in Uganda, yes you write but what happens next? What the Musaazi's and Kironde's of today miss terribly, is that critical thinking, to them putting up a commission in the sports industry is democracy enough to them, the death of the members of the same commission is not mentioned. For that part does not support their praising of the most democratic government Uganda ever had.
2) The children who are being investigated, are from Eastern Uganda. Now I want to you to keep this sentence in your mind. Konny is about to start a massive capture of school children in Eastern Uganda, their noses and ears will be cut off and then UPDF will rescue them after a very tense fight. Just keep that on your "Things to remember list" As Uganda Government will be presenting them to the press and to the international community, to back up the claim that Konny is now in Eastern Uganda as well.
3) The death of Kibalama is another lesson to those of us who are abroad, those of us who are continuously approached by both Uganda Government either directly or through our relatives as some cases have shown. With promises of good salaries and so on, with promises that what we hear or know about Uganda and her government are actually not true, that when you reach Uganda the situation is very different. I am talking about those Ugandans who are abroad, whose hearts end up broken down by promises of you will be alright come home and work for your nation. You will go in Uganda but you will have two options. You will be infected with corruption which is accepted officially today, or you will remain with your morals and do the job right. You will account to every single Uganda Shilling and you will account to every single project you are doing in Uganda. You will be alone, isolated and you will end up killed as Kibalama was killed and as many other Ugandans who have left for home and decided to be un corruptible.
4) If you were Museveni would you trust that medical system to take care of your grand child's birth?
Kibalama was a very simple man, who studied hard to reach his accomplishments, a man who worked very odd jobs in order to get his education in Australia. Kibalama was a straight man who would not con a fly. it is sad that the NRM government would not stand his faithfulness and decided to eliminate him.
As one of the Ugandans who are still stuck abroad and on behalf of those who knew Kibalama well, we are shocked at these developments, and our prayers to the family which is still in Uganda.
May he rest in peace and so to all those Ugandans from abroad who have been killed by this government.
            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2003 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re: [Ugandacom] Police probe kids over anti-Movement song

It is in deed a better Uganda because rather than deal with Vagabond
regimes,they are now dealing with accomplished and Certified thieves
and murderers.
I only hope these children do not end up getting murdered or stolen from
their bona fide parents/guardians.
We have recently witnessed mysterious deaths within the Football Fraternity and yet the Musaazis of this world have chosen to stare at these events with wide-opened eyes that do not perceive.
Thank you.

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Where is Messer's Musaazi and Kironde, they told us that Uganda of today is a better Uganda?
            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2003 8:16 PM
Subject: [Ugandacom] Police probe kids over anti-Movement song

Police probe kids over anti-Movement song
By Joseph Mazige
Oct 12, 2003

IGANGA- The Resident District Commissioner, here, Mr Francis Batinti has ordered police to investigate a school that sang a song critical of the Movement government and all past regimes, during independence celebrations on Thursday.

The October 9 celebrations were held at Iganga Town Council Primary School. In their song, pupils of Iganga Junior School said that 41 years since Uganda became independent, the country had not moved forward but was instead retrogressing.

The children enumerated many problems they are faced with, including lack of school fees and poor living standards of their parents.

After the song, many people in the audience commented that what the children had sang, indeed, was the reality and that the government should address the plight of children.

However, the message in the song didn't go down well with the RDC, who had presided over the celebrations as chief guest.

Batinti stunned his audience when he stood up and ordered the Police to investigate the background of the song. He said the song was bad and was one way of sowing seeds of discord and hatred among the young children.

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