Huge Explosion Rocks Central Baghdad
22 minutes ago

BAGHDAD, Iraq - A huge explosion apparently caused by a car bomb rocked central Baghdad on Sunday near the Baghdad Hotel, which is believed to be a headquarters of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency in the Iraqi capital. A witness said he saw several injured people.


Bystander Sevan Armin, 33, said a car approached the Baghdad Hotel on the wrong side of the street.

"It was traveling at high speed. The guards at the gate fired on it. The car hit the concrete blast barrier and exploded," he said. Armin had a minor head injury.

Another bystander, Hamid Rahim, 22, said two cars tried to enter a side street leading from Saadoun Street to the Baghdad Hotel, but both exploded.

He and hotel co-worker Karim Abdel al-Hussein, 23, both said two cars approached the barricaded street at high speed and one or both got behind the barricade on the side street. They believed both cars exploded before reaching the hotel.

Rahim said he saw about a half-dozen injured people taken away in police cars.

Ambulances and police vehicles rushed to the scene as U.S. helicopters circled overhead.

Associated Press Television News footage showed U.S. troops ordering people away from the bombing site. Firefighters sprayed water on piles of burning rubble.

The blast rattled windows in the Palestine Hotel, home to many members of the international press corps covering the aftermath of the U.S.-led war in Iraq.

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