Obote fears kidnap - New Vision, 23rd October 2003

By Milton Olupot

EXILED Uganda People’s Congress leader Milton Obote yesterday claimed he had received reports of a plot to have him and his family kidnapped, tortured and disposed of.

“I take this report most seriously.

My father and mother who were not even in politics were killed merely because I was their son who grew up under their care in their home,” he said in a speech read by UPC Presidential Policy Commission chief Dr. James Rwanyarare.

Rwanyarare was launching of the UPC 15-member national organising committee (NOC) recently named by Obote.

Twelve members of the committee chaired by Peter Walubiri were sworn in by a Commissioner of Oaths Kenneth Omoding, amid ululation punctuated with the party song, “The Congress of the People”.

The others include Adoko Nekyon, Peter Akwenyu, Margaret Ateng, Ignatius Barungi, Henry Mayega, Patrick Mwandha, Dick Nyai, J.L. Okello Okello, Okullo Epak, Omodi Okot, Chris Opio, Prof. Patrick Rubaihayo, Amsa Sewankambo, Ahmed Washaki and Alice Alaso.

Alaso recently declined to take up the position.

Obote said the 15 members would be deployed to return the country to the noble ideals independence.
“The 15 nationalists today embark on the second liberation of Uganda,” Obote said.

In a related development, UPC has proposed an agenda for talks between the parties and the Movement, which includes the role of the UPDF and other security organisations in politics.

“We welcome the initiative but we are taken aback that there is no agenda,” Rwanyarare said.

He said the time-table for implementation of the transition to multiparty politics should be on the agenda.

Published on: Thursday, 23rd October, 2003

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