UPDF Crimes In Pader

MURDERED:  Here is a woman shot by UPDF in Pader after she was raped.

By Chwa Alonje Wuwe

(Literal Translation from Lwo)

A unbelievable and utterly shameful event reminiscent of those occurring during the slavery (to say the least) took place when a UPDF soldier under Brigade Commander Paulo Lakech of the 5th, 509 Pader district abducted two mothers in the night of 10.10.2003, raped one and murdered the other.  Filder Oyela was raped in the middle of the road, while Aloyo Florence 20 was shot in the head 4 times after she resisted the soldier-rapist successfully. 

The soldiers name was not immediately available because of the commotion that ensued thereafter when other soldiers came to the scene and beat up the onlookers.  In deed, a child Adong Betty, 10, ended up with a leg broken by the beating.  The crowd wanted the soldier dead too.

The LC5 Chairman, Ladit Yakobo Komakech, who missed a bullet narrowly, lamented with deep sorrow that may be the best way forward is to disband the camps.  Meanwhile, other soldiers were ululating and wishing the rebel to come and attach the masses who gathered, and that they (soldiers) will come back and break the remaining legs.


Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 13:12:31 +0100 (BST)

UPDF dok obuyu dako

KINEKE: Man dako ma lamony UPDF obin ocele inge butu kwede tek tek i Pader

Chwa Alonje Wuwe

TIM mo me wur ki lewic madit atika ki me aconya onya ikare ma lamony UPDF itetela pa Brigade Commander Paulo Lakech idul mony me abic, 509 Pader distrik obin ogwono woko megi oluku (litino) aryo idyewor me 10.10.2003, Filder Oyela ka ocode ka cwinye idye gudi ki Aloyo Florence 20 obin ojem woko pi cam kwaro ka otugi celo woko wa ito i cuny dye wiye ki iiye ricac 4 kulu.
Lamony meno kono nyinge pe obin ononge pien ribiribi obin obedo magwar pien mony gubin gucamo akemo ka kopa aye ocako cwer ikom lwak.
Adong Betty, 10, gutugi turo tyene ki k opa ituru ne pien ni pingo lwak mito ni kinek jali.
Wonkom LC5 Ladit Yakobo Komakech ricac obin oloyo make ka olok ki cwer cwiny ni twara dong giketo lwak ki ikema. Lumony mukene icawa meno gubedo ka gono oduro kun giwaco ni ber adui omonyo wun.
wa bitoro wun atora ki kopa.



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