Women get extra points for VC job
By Alex B. Atuhaire
Nov 25, 2003

MAKERERE – Women applying for the vice chancellor’s job at Makerere University will earn an extra 10 points.

An ad hoc committee headed by Mr John Ntimba, a former minister for higher education, recommended the free points.

Ntimba’s committee was appointed by the University Council to resolve the crisis dogging the search for a new VC for Uganda’s premier university.

The applicants will be assessed out of 100 points. Academic qualifications will score 25 marks, managerial and working experience will fetch 40 marks, publications 20, age 5 and (being female) 10 marks.

Applicants must beat the 65 percent pass mark to make the shortlist, the ad hoc committee recommended in an 11-page report handed the University Council on November 19.

Other members on the committee are Mr Stephen Kavuma (a former minister of state for Defence) and Dr Grace Bantebya of Gender Studies at Makerere.

In the report, the former search committee headed by Dr C. Wana-Etyem was found to have scored academic qualifications higher, at 40, and managerial and working experience 25.

“Although Makerere University [is] an academic institution, the post of Vice Chancellor [is] an administrative one which [requires] managerial skills and experience,” the Ntimba committee argued in its report making the case for the switch in the scoring.

The Wana-Etyem committee was dissolved allegedly for working outside the set parameters.
The new VC is supposed to replace the outgoing Prof. John Ssebuwufu whose extended tenure expires on December 31.

The Makerere University Council Chairman, Mr Gabriel Opio, told The Monitor yesterday that a new VC would be appointed in time.

He said that the Council has since appointed Ntimba, Bantebya and Kavuma (all members of the ad hoc committee and of the University Council) to represent it on the new team.

He said that the University Senate is expected to select its three representatives to the search team that is being reconstituted in two weeks.

“The new committee will start where the old committee stopped and by the end of December we expect to have a new vice chancellor,” Opio said by telephone.

© 2003 The Monitor Publications

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