You self!!

That has been the tactics all along. The strategy is a Palestina state along sides Israel.


Conquest if Iraq is merely the opening gambit in a compounded tactic.  As said, to me, the strategy appears to be the establishment of a Palestinian state. BUT, one that is militarily, totally inferior and without any threat to Israel AND in a milieu that is totally neutralized.


In clear context, neutralization of Islamism!


 Prior to democratisation / liberalisation of the Saudi Kingdom, another supply for oil was vital. Iraq offered the sacrifice. No soon was that accomplished than the Saudi Royals were made to understand that their status is no longer what it used to be: USA declared termination of their Military bases in Saudi Arabia.


Unfortunately however, the Mesopotamian blood still flows through the veins of these heirs of Babylon Original. So, the modern well prosperous, liberal, democratic Iraq Republic that is intended to be the “role- model state” and lock beat to catalyse Arab liberalization has drawn over time. The formula seems simple:


Let a CONGLOMERATION of modernized, liberalized and militarily neutralized Arab Republics be ARAB.

And let the state of Palestina be P

Now let the heirs of Isarael with superior military mite be I


So what does Abdul the mathematician get?!




That is mathematic Abudul so be warned!!!!

Best rgds




>Subject: [Ugandacom] Re: ugnet_: Greed that feeds terror:Madeleine Albright
>Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2003 05:34:51 EST
>Madeleine Albright also!!!!
>What did she do while she was President Billy Clinton's secretary of State?
>Nothing... that is what!!! In Rwanda , for instance, Tutsis got massacred
>in the hundreds of thousands, while Madam Secretary of State, Albright was
>busy playing Washington Politics as usual....and now it is the some woman
>coming up with "Mambo jambo" about I hear the middle east.
>In a message dated 11/27/2003 9:39:17 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> > Greed that feeds terror
> >
> > Washington must press for radical reform in Saudi Arabia if al-Qaida is to
> > be defeated
> >
> > Madeleine Albright
> > Thursday November 27, 2003
> > The Guardian
> >
> > Comment
> >
> >,3604,1093915,00.html
> >
> > If there is a central front in the war against terror, it is Saudi Arabia,
> > not Iraq.
> >
> > If the battle there is lost, it will be because of a joint failure on the
> > part of the Saudi royal family and the west, especially the US. If it is to be
> > won, the worst habits of both must change.
> >
> > Saudi Arabia's direction matters because of its role as custodian of Islam's
> > holy places, its status within the Arab world and its oil. A reformed Saudi
> > Arabia could defeat terror at its roots. A radicalised Saudi Arabia could
> > rock the global economy and destabilise the entire Middle East.
> >
> > The latter possibility remains unlikely, but is dire enough to demand
> > serious attention. As the terrorist bombing of a housing complex in Riyadh earlier
> > this month reflects, the House of Saud is besieged.
> >
> > Osama bin Laden has derided the regime as illegitimate, apostate,
> > ineffectual in defending Arab interests, and a lackey of the US. These charges find
> > echoes in the writings of western critics, whose sensationalist books portray
> > Saudi leaders as greedy hypocrites funnelling money to terrorists while
> > throwing wild parties that mock pretensions to piety.
> >
> > Domestically, the regime is facing pressure
> >
> >

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