Women Lie, Flatter and Have Affairs - Survey

By Sherna Noah, PA News

More than 50% of women would not tell their partner "their" baby was not his if she wanted to stay with him, according to a survey out today.

The National Scruples and Lies Survey, carried out to examine the condition of British morals, discovered that modern women are profuse liars.

More than a third of women (32%) would pretend to use contraception like the Pill if they wanted to get pregnant but their partners did not want a child.

Almost a fifth of women (17%) with long term partners have had an affair - but only 40% regret it.

The survey's authors said a "staggering" 53% of women would not tell their long term partner or husband that a baby was not his if they wanted to stay with him after a secret affair.

Women fantasise about other men during sex (48%), fake orgasms (50%), and disloyally tell their friends about their man's sexual performance (36%).

Women are also regularly telling "white lies" and 62% do not feel bad about it. Only 27% tell their partner the truth if they think he is hopeless in bed, and over half (55%) will lie to flatter him if he asks about his physique or looks.

The survey, commissioned by That's Life! women's weekly magazine, discovered that "women put money before morals", with over a fifth (23%) saying that they would marry just for money.

Women will do almost anything for £1 million including having their little finger cut off (24%), giving up sex (34%), sleeping with a boss (20%), and running naked down their local high street (25%).

Women are also suspicious about their partners and admit to checking their partner's pockets (46%), text messages, (47%) mobile phone bill (27%) and have even followed him (10%).

Psychologist and That's Life! agony aunt Susan Quilliam said: "Women lie because they're afraid to tell the truth. They're scared of hurting people, scared of failing and scared of being criticised.

"Women are expected to be Superwoman and to fulfil expectations and to get what they want in life they feel they have to gloss over the truth."

The survey says that changes in traditional moral behaviour in the past 40 years have left women "totally confused" with a third saying they would stay with their partner if he had a one-night stand (32%), 28% if they discovered he was a secret transvestite and 17% if he announced he was gay.

More than three quarters (76%) told researchers they tell life-changing lies, while 12% do so frequently. And 94% of British women admit they lie and 34% tell "little white lies" most days.

Women also admit to lying about their weight (51%), background (30%) and salary (29%).

They tell most lies to their friends (93%), followed by their parents (91%), partner (90%) and employer (83%).

Researchers questioned 5,000 women, with an average age of 38, across the UK.

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