Anti-Semitism is Not the Real Danger to Jews Today 
Mark Mazower

Is anti-Semitism on the rise in Europe? Ariel Sharon, Israel's Prime Minister, this 
week gave warning of the re-emergence of "an anti-Semitism that has always existed". 
Attacks on Jewish targets in France and the bombing of the two synagogues in Turkey 
look like straws in the wind. And when a German MP assigns the Jews responsibility for 
the crimes of Bolshevism and the commander of the German special forces publicly 
agrees, then it is worthwhile addressing the question. 

German MP, Martin Hohmann, was recently expelled from the his party, after absurdly 
claiming that Jews were a 'Taetervolk' - a 'race of perpetrators' of rights abuses.

No historian would want to deny the extent of European anti-Semitism in the early 20th 
century. However, the Holocaust led to a profound transformation of attitudes in 
Europe. After the war the commonly-held belief in scientific racism fell into 
disrepute and UNESCO issued its famous declaration that race was a social myth. The 
basic law of Konrad Adenauer's West Germany explicitly outlawed racial prejudice. 

The Holocaust itself has become the single most-studied episode of the war, if not of 
the 20th century, and today there are Holocaust monuments, memorial days and museums - 
even in countries where it did not take place - and laws which criminalise Holocaust 
denial. So, contrary to what Sharon has indicated, only a few oddballs regard 
expressions of anti-Semitism as politically or culturally acceptable. 

Over the past 40 years there has been a huge generational shift in attitudes, and even 
the genteel prejudices of an earlier generation grate on the ears of the young. If a 
few echoes linger farther east, these too are dying away with the transformation of 
post-communist societies. 

But if the Holocaust eradicated anti-Semitism as a political force in Europe, it had 
another far-reaching consequence as well: it gave birth to Israel, thereby linking 
Europe, the Jews and the Arabs in a new way. If Israel looms large in the European 
political consciousness, it is not because Europeans are anti-Semites but because 
Europe itself is in many ways the architect of the present imbroglio. 

At a time when most Jewish emigrants were heading to the United States, Argentina and 
Western Europe, the British - for their own reasons - gave the green light for the 
creation of a Jewish national home in an Arab province of the Ottoman Empire. The 
British, the French, who successfully fought to prevent a Hashemite Greater Syria 
emerging in 1920, and the Nazis, who drove huge numbers of Jews into Palestine, 
between them turned out to be indispensable for the success of Jewish nationalism. 

Zionism, which brought "the people without land to the land without people", in fact 
implied the dispossession of Palestine's Arabs. Previously, anti-Semitism had been a 
negligible factor among the Arabs; there was little trace of it in the Ottoman world, 
where Jews and Muslims coexisted harmoniously. 

But even as European anti-Semitism dwindled, so it seemed to grow in the Middle East, 
fed by racial and religious myths imported from the defeated European Right. 

What has emerged is not at heart a racial antagonism but a political one - an 
anti-Zionism which takes Israeli rhetoric at face value by conflating Israelis and 
Jews. This is very different from the old inter-war European variety. The Nazis were 
not much bothered about Jews' political opinions; what counted was race. 

The overwhelming majority of Muslim and non-Muslim critics of Israel say that it is 
not Judaism or Jews that they hate, but the racist ideology of Zionism and the 
excesses of Zionists

If anything, Zionists were the one kind of Jew that right-wing Europeans were prepared 
to deal with, since both sides desired the same thing - the departure of the Jews from 
Europe. Precisely the opposite is true for Arab opinion: conspiracy theories flourish, 
and so does Holocaust denial, but the real target is Zionism as a political doctrine. 

Israeli spokesmen, however, are now focusing not on sentiment in the Arab world but on 
signs of old hatreds in Europe. By doing so, they badly distort what is happening. 
When a German MP is forced to resign after comparing the Nazis with Jewish Bolsheviks, 
we are learning more about German frustrations over how the world deals with the 
Holocaust than about the dangers facing German Jews. 

Recently there has been a remarkable increase in the number of Israelis settling in 
Germany: so much for anti-Semitism there. Neo-Nazi and far-right groups continue to 
target synagogues and cemeteries. But this has been going on for years and has not 
pushed them into the mainstream - quite the contrary. 

What is new in the present equation is the violence mostly in France by young Arab 
youths against Jewish targets, a spill-over into Europe of the kind of anti-Zionism 
already described. 

Before we turn to the old catch-all labels of the past, we need to take a good look at 
the singer as well as the song. "The best solution to anti-Semitism," Sharon said in 
Rome last week, "is immigration to Israel." 

As Jewish migration from the former Soviet Union dwindles, the spectre of depopulation 
looms large among Israeli officials who fear Jews may before long be outnumbered by 
the fecund Arabs in their midst. Sharon is the man, after all, who entered office 
vowing to bring a million new settlers to the country in order to reverse its alarming 
demographic deficit. 

There has always been a debate among Jews about the importance of anti-Semitism in 
Europe, and Zionists for obvious reasons have tended to emphasise the threat it poses. 
But today Israel itself looks more like a source of danger for Jews worldwide than a 
refuge, and even Israelis - though the emigration statistics remain a closely guarded 
official secret - are voting with their feet. 

If Sharon is seriously concerned about anti-Semitism, there is no one better placed 
than he to do something about it by changing his Government's policies towards the 

Saturday, November 29th, 2003 - 11:31pm GMT 
The author is Professor of History at Birkbeck College, London. 

Article courtesy of The Times 

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Readers' Comments

The Holocaust Story is B--- S---.  A lie, told by liars. 

Comment posted by: Anonymous on Wednesday, 3rd December, 2003 - 06:41pm GMT

A great majority of American Jewish folks support Zionism, both directly and by 
ensuring that Israel's interests are kept paramount in American politics.  It is their 
replacement for the other well-known [false] "God That Failed", communism. 

The Bolshevik leadership under Lenin was 90% Jewish.  See "The Black Book of 
Communism", Harvard University Press. 

Palestinians and Sephardim are Semitic; European Jews, descended from the Khazars, are 
not.  In general, European and American Zionists are the most rabid anti-semites on 

"Christian" Zionism, in the main a concoction of "Premillenial Dispensationalism" (a 
creation of John Nelson Darby and Henry Scofield) has no roots in early Christian 
dogma, and as Darby himself said, "leads directly back to Judaism". 

The Talmud is a brilliant (but racist) work, and the "foremost guide to daily life" 
(as Justice Ginsburg put it) for many Jews; and the most Jews consider the Torah to be 
little more than a fable.  There is precious little in common between Judaism and 
Christianity, (Talmud vs. New Testament) and there is less difference between Zionism 
and mainstream Judaism, than many would care to openly admit. 

Comment posted by: Anonymous on Wednesday, 3rd December, 2003 - 07:37pm GMT

Whether the comment on German MP Martin Hohmann in the article was made by Prof. 
Mazower or by some editor of his article, it is anyhow incorrect and abusive to say 
that he (Mr. Hohmann) claimed that the Jews were a Tätervolk (a race of perpetrators). 
Actually, he said the opposite. His point was that it is unfair to denigrate an entire 
people because of crimes that a minority of them had committed, even if that minority 
was in power; therefore as unfair to call the Germans a Tätervolk vis-ā-vis Jews as 
calling Jews a Tätervolk vis-ā-vis the Christian majority peoples of Russia, merely 
because Jews were the dominant ethnic group of the Bolshevik leadership. So what 
Hohmann did was to repudiate the idea of collective guilt, which in fact has been in 
force since after WWII and still is regarding the German people, since they must still 
pay Wiedergutmachungsgeld (money of redress) to Israel for the so-called Holocaust, 
whereas there is hardly any German taxpayer alive today who held any responsible 
position in 1933-45, and so nobody of those paying it off today to Israel can be held 
The "sin" that Hohmann committed was that he touched one "untouchable", that is the 
dominant role of Jews in the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. In the prevalent moral and 
intellectual climate, only two attitudes to Jews are permissible: admiration or pity. 
The unwritten law says: Thou shalt not connect Jews with anything unsavoury, however 
true that connection be. 

Comment posted by: Lars Adelskogh on Wednesday, 3rd December, 2003 - 08:28pm GMT

Interesting argument....part of which I agree with. But I feel that the argument is a 
trite one which glibly examines the political surface. For instance...the proposition 
that antisemitism will rapidly diminish now that the Iron Curtain is gone is totally 
and demonstably false....a brief examination of popular sentiment in the old Eastern 
Bloc states shows that antsemitism is as prevalentr as ever.  The argument of the 
equivalence of German Jewish guilt....which goes......German Nazis performed the 
Holocaust.....Jewish Bolshevics....perpertated at least as horrific acts...therefor 
Germans and Jews are equaly guilty...has been showen to be a bogus argument and the 
space here does not facilitate me rehashing it. Suffice to say that the equation of 
Jews equals Bolshevics is false to begin with and was central to Hitlers own belief. 
Finaly the author fails to examine the relationship between guilt and antisemitism, 
nor the many other psychological ramifications produced, by two thousand years of 
antisemitism, within the collective souls of both victim and perpetrator....thus his 
glib assertions that antisemitism is dead in Europe, and that there is a clear and 
fundemental difference between anti zionism and antisemitism are unsupported except in 
the most superficial of ways. Israeli and Jewish distrust of European intention is the 
result of two thousand years of deciet. It is well based. 

Comment posted by: Anonymous on Wednesday, 3rd December, 2003 - 08:57pm GMT

I'd like to set something straight - the exclusion of german MP Hohmann from the 
parlamentary fraction of his party (he's not yet been expelled from the party) 
originated from an irrational fear of even touching the subject of the singularity of 
the holocaust, an instilled fear quite pervasive in Germany. 
I doubt very much many people have really understood or even read the actual discourse 
which led to the scandal. In it, Mr. Hohmann explicitly rejects calling the the jews a 
"people of perpetrators", arguing that even if many key actors of communism were 
jewish, it still doesn't allow for such a generalization. In the same way, he argues, 
germans shouldn't be considered "perpetrators" as a nation, but rather that the 
ungodly on whichever side had been the great perpetrators of the violent past century. 
This discourse was held by Mr. Hohmann on October the 3rd, Germany's national day, in 
his electoral district. It's a view many people hold in Germany nowadays. 
For this "extremist" view he was ousted from his fraction (in spite of having been 
elected by one of the most solid margins nationwide) by hysterical party leaders, 
always eager to please the spirit of our time, shortdsighted and unaware that there's 
nothing which passes more quickly than unprincipled political fashions. 
Except for the last half of the last paragraph, which is my opinion, these are the 
hard facts, just so that no false truths besome used as arguments for or against 

Comment posted by: RSC on Wednesday, 3rd December, 2003 - 09:15pm GMT

It would be to awake one day and find that no one had died as the results of 
It would be good to find that no Palestianians or Jews or muslims lost their lives due 
hatred. That will never happen as long as Zionist have a thirst for world domination. 
I was 
a young man when the movie was made on Leon Uris' novel. Paul Neumann made me feel 
that the jews were the underdog of the world. Now that I have matured and the 
threat posed by zionism is becomming more commonly known I see that movie as what 
it was, zionist propaganda. Now I sort back through my mind to try and see what 
other attempts were made by the Hollywood Zionist to make me believe a lie.It takes 
awareness to fight off the effects of the media blitz that triesto show the Zionist 
side of the 
picture. It is frightning. The beginnings of the mass of propaganda began subtle and 
our minds so slowly that now it is almost impossible to speak against the threat 
without incurring 
cries of anti-semetism and as of lately in America unpatriotic. 

Comment posted by: Anonymous on Wednesday, 3rd December, 2003 - 09:39pm GMT

Almost all of the comments are interesting. The possible connections between Judaism 
and Zionism, whether there is a Zionist conspiracy to control non-Jewish societies, 
are debates that don't get airtime on mainstream media, for the obvious reason that 
the strong Zionist lobby too readily accuses its critics of anti-Semitism.  It is the 
aim of the World Crisis Web to help redress this balance, without relying on wild and 
unsubstantiated conspiracy theories. 

It is indeed an irony that many of those claiming to be victims of anti-Semitism are 
not Semites, but Europeans. This should not prevent them from defending their brothers 
and sisters in Judaism, or of holding to their Zionist ideologies, but it is another 
indication of the power of the Jewish lobby, that it has successfully associated in 
the 'public imagination' the term, Semites, with Jews, whilst disassociating it from 

Regarding the Hohmann 'scandal', he has recently been at pains to disclaim comments, 
such as that which I made about him under his image in the above article. He says that 
he was rhetorically referring to the argument that Jews continue to bear 
responsibility for previous generations' war activities, as an analogy for his real 
intention, which was to refute the argument that Germans today bear responsibility for 
earlier crimes against Jews - that, in fact, Jews today are not responsible for the 
crimes of Jewish Bolsheviks almost a century ago, and that by this measure neither are 
today's Germans responsible for those of the Nazi Party. 

I am not a German speaker. It is difficult for me to track down reliable and 
comprehensive accounts of his speech. He was, however, quoted at one point as saying 
that "one could describe Jews with some justification as a Taetervolk" (BBC 
translation), whilst Hohmann himself has recently said that the central "statement" in 
his speech was that "neither the Germans nor the Jews are a race of perpetrators". 

If Hohmann has been unfairly hounded by the world's media, this would not surprise me 
in the least.  The best way to solve the issue would be for someone to supply a fairly 
translated copy of the full text of his speech, but this may be a problem, since the 
original German copy was taken off the internet at an early stage. Is there a German 
speaker, who could supply me with an English translation (with a reference to the 
translator), so that I can perhaps publish it for the world to see? 

Comment posted by: Danny Dayus on Thursday, 4th December, 2003 - 12:27am GMT

VICTIMS Victimise--this is the truth about unregenerate human being.  The most 
exquisite horror of having been victimised is that the victim(s) MUST somehow summon 
the courage to rejoin the human race on a common footing, in the quest for 
reconciliation.  There can be NO 'special privileges' for anyone, nor for any group.  
We are in this together, QED.  Persons who extort special treatment because bad things 
happened to a grandparent are adventitious, merely, AND THEY GUARANTEE ONLY THAT 
TIT-FOR-NIPPLE HORRORS WILL CONTINUE.  Here, in Mankato, MN, a remarkable work of 
reconciliation has been afoot since 1958, between Mdewakanton Dakota Indian people and 
the now-dominant non-Indian population, after the terror and brutality of the l862 
Dakota conflict.  I have available an interview conducted recently on my monthly local 
history-programme, about this vital work and its larger implications for our human 
(and, post-human!) future.  Please contact me for details, and the CD will be supplied 
in return for cost ($1.00 US) and postage.  Sincerely, Emmett R Smith <[EMAIL 

Comment posted by: Emmett R Smith on Thursday, 4th December, 2003 - 12:45am GMT

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