On another note Rehema, pardon me but I think it was you who, a few weeks ago, was expressing concern about some groups in Uganda adopting anarchysm as their ideological framework.

Maybe by now you have discovered the difference between the ordinary usage of this term and as a body of philosophy. From the point of view of philosophy anarchysm has nothing to do with disorder, conflict or mayhem. I got the impression this was your interpretation.

Anarchysts propound some kind of idealistic freedoms. Like abolition of taxation, and in general, minimalist state and social structures.

In the USA the most prominent anarchyst probably is MIT's Noam Chomsky. And all must agree that our Ugandan bandits m7, Kony etc... are the furtherst thing to such a kind and compassionate individual like Professor Chomsky. Through and through he is a man of peace.

Indeed he has spent a good part of his life speaking out against injustice in the world. He is foremost in his defence of the Palestinians who have been in the refuge camps for the last 50 years.

He has battled and exposed the inhumanity of the 500-year settler colonialism in both North and South America. He is an arch-critic of American foreign policy in the Middle East and worldwide.

Indeed one of the few critisisms I have heard against him and anarchyst philosophy is that both only point out the wrong in society rather proceed to prescribe concreat solutions. Some others have said that anarchysm is idealism in disguise.

Dear Rehema you also may have heard of priests howling against 'materialism'. Surely they are refering to consumerism rather than the materialism associated with philosophy; i.e. dielectical materialism.

And there is as much confusion with the term 'materialism' as with 'anarchysm'.

I wish you all the best, and take care.

Mitayo Potosi

From: Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2003 08:20:50 -0800 (PST)

I believe your claim unless the UPDF proves, otherwise we all know that it's them responsible for these civilian killings all along. Instead of the UPDF killing civilians, why can the gov't of Uganda let the Acholi region free and separate from Ugandan??

"and where was the national army while such killings was taking place? Citizens of Uganda should recall that the NRM/A stated clearly before the nation and Members of the International Community that security would be beefed up in Lira town and surrounding areas. That the so called LRA rebels would massacre people in spite of the beefed up UPDF presences, simply does not make sense. The UPDF is pretty much killing people and blaming it on the rebels. I am moved ... very moved to tears!


70 dead bodies found in Lira
By Frank Nyakairu
Dec 7, 2003

KAMPALA - Authorities in Lira have discovered about 74 bodies of civilians killed by rebels of the Lords Resistance Army (LRA).

The bodies, mainly of young men and women were gathered from Amugo sub-county alone, about 70km southeast of Lira, northern-Uganda.

The Lira LC-V Chairman, Mr Franco Ojur, told Sunday Monitor yesterday that relatives of the victims found the bodies in bushes.

"Because that particular sub-county has been under attack, no one knew how many people were killed or abducted because most had fled to Lira town," said Ojur. Most of the bodies bore deep cuts, proving that the victims were simply hacked.

The army in the area however denied knowledge of the reported deaths, but said people could have been killed in the recent escalation of rebel attacks.

"Of course some people have been killed and the rebels are doing that on orders of their boss, Joseph Kony, but I do not have knowledge of the numbers you are talking about," said 2nd Lt. Chris Magezi, spokesman of the 5th infantry Division.

"The only incident I know of in Amugo is that of yesterday when the rebels attacked a camp looking for food and killed three people there, but we also caught up with them and killed three of them," Magezi added.

Lira has been under attack for the last two months leaving several civilians dead. The army, however, says only 89 were killed in the last two months. The 17-year war has led to the displacement of over a million people who now live in displaced people's camps. The rebels have abducted over 20,000 children.

© 2003 The Monitor Publications

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