
Jan 9, 2004

Don’t misinterpret Bible, Mr President

During the end-of-year prayers at State House, Nakasero, President Yoweri Museveni read the parable of the talents and made his interpretation of it: Africans were given this vast, rich continent but are not using it. So the Asians, Europeans, etc., are coming to take even the little away from the Africans.

This is very unfortunate. The continents that have exploited their talents have done so because of a focused, committed leadership with a vision that looks beyond survival, and plans for the future.

The Vasco da Gamas and other ‘explorers’ were sent by their monarchs to look for opportunities and territories. So if the leadership is correct, then, the led will exploit their talents. But what do we see now in Uganda?

- We can naturally produce enough to feed ourselves but the President okays importation of GM foods to please America.

- We have Phoenix Logistcis struggling to revive our textiles but he gives away Shs 12bn to facilitate the export of Sri Lankan fabrics to the US under AGOA.

- We have the Nile, capable of producing power cheaply for every Ugandan, yet he gives away the dam and now the grid to South Africa’s ESKOM.

So Mr President, you are the chief African. Do not misinterpret the Bible to justify Asians exploiting us, including enslaving the innocent at the Tri-Star white elephant!

Name withheld on request.


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