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Temporary Immigration

January 12, 2004
President Bush wants to create a new class of "temporary"
workers in America. As he said in his immigration proposal
last week, he expects these workers to spend several years
here, and he would offer them incentives to return
permanently to their home countries. This is a reasonable
idea but unduly limited. It is clear that there are
low-skilled jobs that are open, and that there are many
eager to come, earn higher wages here and then return. At
the same time, some should be able to seek permanent
residency. Moreover, the history of guest workers in
America is a brutal one, filled with abuse by employers and
the government as well as legitimate concerns by American
workers. The challenge for the president, the Congress and
the leaders of nations that would provide the new class of
workers will be to find a better way to serve their needs,
ensuring that those who are temporary are given a fair,
enforceable deal while offering some portion of them the
chance to stay and become permanent.
Perhaps the most notorious guest worker program in recent
American history involved the "braceros" who arrived to
help harvest fields during World War II. Until 1964, more
than three million of these workers migrated seasonally to
pick vital crops like cotton or sugar beets in the
Southwest. On paper, it appeared the braceros were getting
a good deal and some actually did fairly well. They were
given incentives like promises of transportation, housing
and health care. To assure that they would not stay, a part
of their salaries was deducted and was supposed to be given
back when they returned home. Despite such assurances, many
were harassed and discriminated against while they were
here and few got back their deducted wages when they went
home. By the time it ended, the braceros program had earned
its reputation as a form of legalized slavery.
For Mr. Bush's plan to succeed, it needs to offer at least
some workers a way to stay in America. Mr. Bush is on the
right track when he promises incentives - incentives that
must actually work this time - for those who want to go
back and perhaps start small businesses or buy farms with
their earnings. But the president was far less clear about
those who do not want to go home.
There must be some workable option for such immigrants,
especially those who have been here for years, working,
raising families and paying taxes. Without an optional path
to a green card and ultimately citizenship, many of these
illegal immigrants simply won't come forward. Mr. Bush says
his first priority when it comes to immigration reform is
security, which makes it crucial to figure out the
identities of the nation's 8 to 10 million illegal
immigrants already here. The president's plan will not
entice these immigrants out of the shadows if it simply
turns out to be another way of deporting them.
Giving illegal immigrants a route to legal status does not
mean they should be allowed to jump ahead of those already
in the torturously long line for green cards. Most of the
bills in Congress will probably add to the long wait for
those here illegally. Some proposals even levy a fine for
crossing the border without proper documents in the first
place. The better packages - like the one from Arizona
Republicans including Senator John McCain - encourage
temporary employment at the same time they offer some
possibility of permanence. Another bill, the "AgJobs" bill,
which would start with 500,000 agricultural workers'
getting immediate legal status, has already been vetted
enough by warring groups to have strong bipartisan support.
Some suspect last week's announcement was little more than
a sop to Hispanic voters and a prelude to Mr. Bush's visit
today to Mexico. He can prove them wrong by putting his
shoulder behind the AgJobs package that already has strong
support from business, labor, Republicans and Democrats.
Then he can expand his temporary worker program to appeal
to that same, formidable coalition.
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