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Ex-Inspector Says C.I.A. Missed Disarray in Iraqi Arms Program


January 26, 2004
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25 - American intelligence agencies failed
to detect that Iraq's unconventional weapons programs were
in a state of disarray in recent years under the
increasingly erratic leadership of Saddam Hussein, the
C.I.A.`s former chief weapons inspector said in an
interview late Saturday.
The inspector, David A. Kay, who led the government's
efforts to find evidence of Iraq's illicit weapons programs
until he resigned on Friday, said the C.I.A. and other
intelligence agencies did not realize that Iraqi scientists
had presented ambitious but fanciful weapons programs to
Mr. Hussein and had then used the money for other purposes.
Dr. Kay also reported that Iraq attempted to revive its
efforts to develop nuclear weapons in 2000 and 2001, but
never got as far toward making a bomb as Iran and Libya
He said Baghdad was actively working to produce a
biological weapon using the poison ricin until the American
invasion last March. But in general, Dr. Kay said, the
C.I.A. and other agencies failed to recognize that Iraq had
all but abandoned its efforts to produce large quantities
of chemical or biological weapons after the first Persian
Gulf war, in 1991.
From interviews with Iraqi scientists and other sources, he
said, his team learned that sometime around 1997 and 1998,
Iraq plunged into what he called a "vortex of corruption,"
when government activities began to spin out of control
because an increasingly isolated and fantasy-riven Saddam
Hussein had insisted on personally authorizing major
projects without input from others.
After the onset of this "dark ages," Dr. Kay said, Iraqi
scientists realized they could go directly to Mr. Hussein
and present fanciful plans for weapons programs, and
receive approval and large amounts of money. Whatever was
left of an effective weapons capability, he said, was
largely subsumed into corrupt money-raising schemes by
scientists skilled in the arts of lying and surviving in a
fevered police state.
"The whole thing shifted from directed programs to a
corrupted process," Dr. Kay said. "The regime was no longer
in control; it was like a death spiral. Saddam was
self-directing projects that were not vetted by anyone
else. The scientists were able to fake programs."
In interviews after he was captured, Tariq Aziz, the former
deputy prime minister, told Dr. Kay that Mr. Hussein had
become increasingly divorced from reality during the last
two years of his rule. Mr. Hussein would send Mr. Aziz
manuscripts of novels he was writing, even as the
American-led coalition was gearing up for war, Dr. Kay
Dr. Kay said the fundamental errors in prewar intelligence
assessments were so grave that he would recommend that the
Central Intelligence Agency and other organizations
overhaul their intelligence collection and analytical
Dr. Kay said analysts had come to him, "almost in tears,
saying they felt so badly that we weren't finding what they
had thought we were going to find - I have had analysts
apologizing for reaching the conclusions that they did."
In response to Dr. Kay's comments, an intelligence official
said Sunday that while some prewar assessments may have
been wrong, "it is premature to say that the intelligence
community's judgments were completely wrong or largely
wrong - there are still a lot of answers we need." The
official added, however, that the C.I.A. had already begun
an internal review to determine whether its analytical
processes were sound.
Dr. Kay said that based on his team's interviews with Iraqi
scientists, reviews of Iraqi documents and examinations of
facilities and other materials, the administration was also
almost certainly wrong in its prewar belief that Iraq had
any significant stockpiles of illicit weapons.
"I'm personally convinced that there were not large
stockpiles of newly produced weapons of mass destruction,"
Dr. Kay said. "We don't find the people, the documents or
the physical plants that you would expect to find if the
production was going on.
"I think they gradually reduced stockpiles throughout the
1990's. Somewhere in the mid-1990's, the large chemical
overhang of existing stockpiles was eliminated."
While it is possible Iraq kept developing "test amounts" of
chemical weapons and was working on improved methods of
production, he said, the evidence is strong that "they did
not produce large amounts of chemical weapons throughout
the 1990's."
Regarding biological weapons, he said there was evidence
that the Iraqis continued research and development "right
up until the end" to improve their ability to produce
ricin. "They were mostly researching better methods for
weaponization," Dr. Kay said. "They were maintaining an
infrastructure, but they didn't have large-scale production
under way."
He added that Iraq did make an effort to restart its
nuclear weapons program in 2000 and 2001, but that the
evidence suggested that the program was rudimentary at best
and would have taken years to rebuild, after being largely
abandoned in the 1990's. "There was a restart of the
nuclear program," he said. "But the surprising thing is
that if you compare it to what we now know about Iran and
Libya, the Iraqi program was never as advanced," Dr. Kay
Dr. Kay said Iraq had also maintained an active ballistic
missile program that was receiving significant foreign
assistance until the start of the American invasion. He
said it appeared that money was put back into the nuclear
weapons program to restart the effort in part because the
Iraqis realized they needed some kind of payload for their
new rockets.
While he urged that the hunt should continue in Iraq, he
said he believed "85 percent of the significant things"
have already been uncovered, and cautioned that severe
looting in Iraq after Mr. Hussein was toppled in April had
led to the loss of many crucial documents and other
materials. That means it will be virtually impossible to
ever get a complete picture of what Iraq was up to before
the war, he added.
"There is going to be an irreducible level of ambiguity
because of all the looting," Dr. Kay said.
Dr. Kay said he believed that Iraq was a danger to the
world, but not the same threat that the Bush administration
publicly detailed.
"We know that terrorists were passing through Iraq," he
said. "And now we know that there was little control over
Iraq's weapons capabilities. I think it shows that Iraq was
a very dangerous place. The country had the technology, the
ability to produce, and there were terrorist groups passing
through the country - and no central control."
C.I.A. Missed Signs of Chaos
But Dr. Kay said the C.I.A.
missed the significance of the chaos in the leadership and
had no idea how badly that chaos had corrupted Iraq's
weapons capabilities or the threat it raised of loose
scientific knowledge being handed over to terrorists. "The
system became so corrupt, and we missed that," he said.
He said it now appeared that Iraq had abandoned the
production of illicit weapons and largely eliminated its
stockpiles in the 1990's in large part because of Baghdad's
concerns about the United Nations weapons inspection
process. He said Iraqi scientists and documents show that
Baghdad was far more concerned about United Nations
inspections than Washington had ever realized.
"The Iraqis say that they believed that Unscom was more
effective, and they didn't want to get caught," Dr. Kay
said, using an acronym for the inspection program, the
United Nations Special Commission.
The Iraqis also feared the disclosures that would come from
the 1995 defection of Hussein Kamel, Mr. Hussein's
son-in-law, who had helped run the weapons programs. Dr.
Kay said one Iraqi document that had been found showed the
extent to which the Iraqis believed that Mr. Kamel's
defection would hamper any efforts to continue weapons
In addition, Dr. Kay said, it is now clear that an American
bombing campaign against Iraq in 1998 destroyed much of the
remaining infrastructure in chemical weapons programs.
Dr. Kay said his team had uncovered no evidence that Niger
had tried to sell uranium to Iraq for its nuclear weapons
program. In his State of the Union address in 2003,
President Bush reported that British intelligence had
determined that Iraq was trying to import uranium from an
African nation, and Niger's name was later put forward.
"We found nothing on Niger," Dr. Kay said. He added that
there was evidence that someone did approach the Iraqis
claiming to be able to sell uranium and diamonds from
another African country, but apparently nothing came of the
approach. The original reports on Niger have been found to
be based on forged documents, and the Bush administration
has since backed away from its initial assertions.
Dr. Kay added that there was now a consensus within the
United States intelligence community that mobile trailers
found in Iraq and initially thought to be laboratories for
biological weapons were actually designed to produce
hydrogen for weather balloons, or perhaps to produce rocket
fuel. While using the trailers for such purposes seems
bizarre, Dr. Kay said, "Iraq was doing a lot of nonsensical
things" under Mr. Hussein.
The intelligence reports that Iraq was poised to use
chemical weapons against invading troops were false,
apparently based on faulty reports and Iraqi
disinformation, Dr. Kay said.
When American troops found that Iraqi troops had stored
defensive chemical-weapons suits and antidotes, Washington
assumed the Iraqi military was poised to use chemicals
against American forces. But interviews with Iraqi military
officers and others have shown that the Iraqis kept the
gear because they feared Israel would join an American-led
invasion and use chemical weapons against them.
Role of Republican Guards
Dr. Kay said interviews with
senior officers of the Special Republican Guards, Mr.
Hussein's most elite units, had suggested that prewar
intelligence reports were wrong in warning that these units
had chemical weapons and would use them against American
forces as they closed in on Baghdad.
The former Iraqi officers reported that no Special
Republican Guard units had chemical or biological weapons,
he said. But all of the officers believed that some other
Special Republican Guard unit had chemical weapons.
"They all said they didn't have it, but they thought other
units had it," Dr. Kay said. He said it appeared they were
the victims of a disinformation campaign orchestrated by
Mr. Hussein.
Dr. Kay said there was also no conclusive evidence that
Iraq had moved any unconventional weapons to Syria, as some
Bush administration officials have suggested. He said there
had been persistent reports from Iraqis saying they or
someone they knew had see cargo being moved across the
border, but there is no proof that such movements involved
weapons materials.
Dr. Kay said the basic problem with the way the C.I.A.
tried to gauge Iraq's weapons programs is now painfully
clear: for five years, the agency lacked its own spies in
Iraq who could provide credible information.
During the 1990's, Dr. Kay said, the agency became spoiled
by on-the-ground intelligence that it obtained from United
Nations weapons inspectors. But the quality of the
information plunged after the teams were withdrawn in 1998.
"Unscom was like crack cocaine for the C.I.A.," Dr. Kay
said. "They could see something from a satellite or other
technical intelligence, and then direct the inspectors to
go look at it."
The agency became far too dependent on spy satellites,
intercepted communications and intelligence developed by
foreign spies and by defectors and exiles, Dr. Kay said.
While he said the agency analysts who were monitoring
Iraq's weapons programs did the best they could with what
they had, he argued that the agency failed to make it clear
to American policy makers that their assessments were
increasingly based on very limited information.
"I think that the system should have a way for an analyst
to say, `I don't have enough information to make a
judgment,' " Dr. Kay said. "There is really not a way to do
that under the current system."
He added that while the analysts included caveats on their
reports, those passages "tended to drop off as the reports
would go up the food chain" inside the government.
As a result, virtually everyone in the United States
intelligence community during both the Clinton and the
current Bush administrations thought Iraq still had the
illicit weapons, he said. And the government became a
victim of its own certainty.
"Alarm bells should have gone off when everyone believes
the same thing," Dr. Kay said. "No one stood up and said,
`Let's examine the footings for these conclusions.' I think
you ought to have a place for contrarian views in the
Finds No Pressure From Bush
Dr. Kay said he was convinced that the analysts were not
pressed by the Bush administration to make certain their
prewar intelligence reports conformed to a White House
agenda on Iraq.
Last year, some C.I.A. analysts said they had felt pressed
to find links between Iraq and Al Qaeda to suit the
administration. While Dr. Kay said he has no knowledge
about that issue, he did not believe that pressure was
placed on analysts regarding the weapons programs.
"All the analysts I have talked to said they never felt
pressured on W.M.D.," he said. "Everyone believed that they
had W.M.D."
Dr. Kay also said he never felt pressed by the Bush
administration to shape his own reports on the status of
Iraq's weapons. He said that in a White House meeting with
Mr. Bush last August, the president urged him to uncover
what really happened.
"The only comment I ever had from the president was to find
the truth," Dr. Kay said. "I never got any pressure to find
a certain outcome."
Dr. Kay, a former United Nations inspector who was brought
in last summer to run the Iraq Survey Group by George J.
Tenet, the director of central intelligence, said he
resigned his post largely because he disagreed with the
decision in November by the administration and the Pentagon
to shift intelligence resources from the hunt for banned
weapons to counterinsurgency efforts inside Iraq. Dr. Kay
is being succeeded by Charles A. Duelfer, another former
United Nations inspector, who has also expressed skepticism
about whether the United States will find any chemical or
biological weapons.
Dr. Kay said the decision to shift resources away from the
weapons hunt came at a time of "near panic" among American
officials in Baghdad because of rising casualties caused by
bombings and ambushes of American troops.
He added that the decision ran counter to written
assurances he had been given when he took the job, and that
the shift in resources had severely hampered the weapons
He said that there is only a limited amount of time left to
conduct a thorough search before a new Iraqi government
takes over in the summer, and that there are already signs
of resistance to the work by Iraqi government officials.
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