<<Look around you and you will find that the very women who feel that  they can race head to head with men are the once who find themselves singled out and "single Independent women". the truth is they are not independent, they just think they can ride men much as well as men can ride them, you know what i mean. As a matter of fact these women are very lonely and insecure, they would be crying all night and pretend to be smiling in the day. Studies show that such women do not live normally all their lives or rather sadly die young. To summarise my points, being a house wife is not slavery but part of actively trying to satisfy the meaning of this notorious word so called 'LOVE.">>
Let me respond to you by 'speaking' for myself. I am a single and educated woman. I don't have any kids. I am sexually, biologically, mentally and emotionally very fit. I am young, I work every day, I can cook for myself, I wash my own clothes and clean my own house. I make enough money to take care of three children by myself and still live large.
Why in the world, in my right head, for God's sake, would I want to get married and lose my freedom to the kitchen where I would be confined to between four walls laboring myself like a horse to make a man, my husband, happy? A total stranger for that matter! Are you crazy?
Let me mentioned that I was raised to believe that this culture of marriage, is the best way of life for me as a woman. I never asked "HOW" or "WHY" until three years ago. I refused to follow a culture that suppresses my freedom in exchange for a man's best interest. Why should I dedicate my life to caring for another woman's child? Becuase he is my husband? 'Flip' that! I would rather die without having a husband.
A man who is old enough to be the 'head of the house' should get his lazy behind out of bed and cook his own damn food, and wash his own 'flipping' clothes. If he is strong enough to have an erection and have sex every day, he should be storng enough to do all the house work every day. How can a grown man be 'head of the house' when he can't do anything around the house? Please!
Like I said, I was not raised this way. I was raised in an African home with very strong Luo/African culture. But three years ago, I examined this culture of marriage and realized that it serves me, a woman, no purpose in this world.
Someone need to explain to me why I should lose my freedom by getting married. That is not all! On top of losing my freedom, I become a sex slaves to a man who could probably become so boring after just one or two years. That is not all! I would labor everyday like a horse; cooking, cleaning and all that. That is not all! On top of all that, this man would be controlling me, telling what to do and yet he wants me to care for him sexually, emotionally, physically and what not, as if he were my own child!  Bullsh*t! A man who can't take care of his own @#$ better go back to his mother's house because I did not bring anyone into this world. My responsibilities are my own children and not another woman's grown up, old piece of ......
To conlude, [EMAIL PROTECTED], I am a very happy woman. I am not lonely and I am not miserable. I live my  life the way I want to. I go whenever I want, come back to my own damn mansion whenever I please, I spend my money however I want to, but most important, I have absolute mental freedom. This include freedom to hangout with the mail man any time I want. I express myself very eloquently without beating around the bush becuase I don't give a damn about my culture nor what men think of me becuase I don't need them, men, for anything. I got my sexual freedom and my own money and that is all that matters to me. I AM A LOT HAPPIER THAN MANY HOUSEWIVES; especially those who are financially dependent on their husbands.
I need only one thing from men and I don't need to get married and go through all that bullsh*t in order to get it. The mail man delivers mail at least twice a week. If want to have a baby, all agotta do is take my money from the bank to the bank.
I will get married when the advantages outways the disadvantages. For now, to hell with marriage.

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