Matek, believe me i don't relish calling you names but most of the time your postings are so silly, so ilogical that i can't can't help myself. Firstly are you trying to make the point that you care more about the Kabaka and Buganda than Baganda? Have you so quickly (or conviniently) forgotten Obote I and how you treated the Kabaka and Baganda (virtually killed him), but then again in your mind that is love. I guess to you and your ilk, that is the kind of "love" the Kabaka and Baganda deserve and that is what your UPC is offering him and Buganda again, death. MATEK, BELIEVE ME WE HEAR YOU LOUD AND CLEAR. Secondly, yes any Kabaka, who accepts what UPC is offering, in light of recent history is a FOOL. I will repeat ANY KABAKA WHO ACCEPTS WHAT UPC IS OFFERING IN LIGHT OF RECENT HISTORY IS A FOOL, and you can broadcast what i have said anywhere. Thirdly if you think the UPC is so popular in Uganda why are they going around kissing everybody's ass for support.

Subject: ugnet_: UPC backs Kabaka for political power
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2004 16:35:33 EST

So you mean you are now calling the Kabaka of Buganda and his followers
fools!.. I think the Ssebasaga is smart enough to realize that Museveni's NRM
gave him "Biyoyo be Nsuwa", while Museveni uses the Kabaka shoulder to climb to
promote himself.

The fact of the matter is that the Kabaka and many of his subject in
Buganda are suffering as a result of biting poverty in Uganda Ushered in by the
"visionary leadership" of the NRM.

The Kabaka himself put it quiet eloquently and succulently when he
question the kind of Kingship NRM offered him. The King of Buganda has no
authority to levy taxes on his subjects...this is but a fact.... and therefore cannot
collect sufficient revenue to finance development projects in Buganda and
for the Buganda.

In fact, the Kabaka has to beg for handouts from Yoweri Museveni's NRM
Regime for his daily expenses. Meanwhile many of his subjects in Buganda are
suffering biting poverty, lack of jobs e.t.c People are living in desperate
situation in Buganda while people from certain favored areas "wash their face with
Milk" ( if you know what I mean)

Some commoner on this forum argued that the Kabaka should conduct "fund
Raising " or Harrambee to in order to obtain funds to finance projects in
Buganda. This is a terrible insult and a demeaning comment one can make about the

Ultimately, as the say, all politics boils down to the "Checkbook". This is
true here in the states, in UK, and In Buganda.

Allo Odok Inguny Koka!

In a message dated 2/20/2004 4:00:38 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> When you hear things like that, it makes you wonder about the calibre of
> politians in Uganda (particularly in the UPC). How low are they willing to
> stoop in order to obtain political about a dog returning to its
> vomit..i've been pointing out to people on this forum that the UPC has
> nothing to offer Uganda. Look at how they are shamelessly ready to swallow
> there words..basically do a round about turn, just to get power and you tell
> me Uganda will be better off with such only remains to be seen if
> the Kabaka and Baganda are even stupidier by going along with them. After
> all only fools can rule fools. NONSENSE

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the
people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It
thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to
repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by
extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state."

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister

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