Right on Mitayo.

I am in the process of opening up an Open Source training centre with some
colleagues in Kampala. Linux certification shall be one of the courses to
be taught there. Could you therefore send me that syllabus so that I we
could compare witht he one we are developing to see whether it fits
international standards.

Otherwise Linux and general OSS computing is doing fine. We are keeping
the fire burning to the disappointment of the likes of Bill Gates. As for
living like Kings :-) it depends on how you view the world. I dont think I
am living like one as yet.


> James how is linux getting along down there.  I envy you guys!! You must
> all  be living like kings. Has it (linux) taken off in schools and
> colleges?
> If you guys have any training you are offering in linux, let me know so
> that  I could send you some college-linux-syllabus for comparision.
> Mitayo Potosi
>>From: Lunghabo James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: ugnet_: Intro
>>Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 21:51:14 -0800 (PST)
>>Hi all
>>I am back to Ugandanet after a 2 year sabbatical. I look forward to
>> re-integrating in this community once again.
>>Wire Lunghabo James
>>Linux Solutions
>>Kampala, Uganda
>>This service is hosted on the Infocom network
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