Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin

By Patrick Opio

PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has donated 25 heifers to the family of exiled former president Milton Obote’s brother, Obadiah Akaki.

Akaki, 80, Obote’s elder brother said he received the cows through state minister for wildlife and antiquities Jovino Akaki-Ayumu, his clansman.

He said in an interview at his home at Abeibuti village, Akokoro sub-county, Apac, recently that the cattle provide him with plenty of milk.

He said he supplies the milk to the local community for money.

“My family now harvests a good amount of milk daily. We consume part of it and sell the rest to people in the neighbourhood,” he said.

Museveni gave Akaki sh10m when he visited his home in September 9, 2000.

He then promised to donate heifers for milk production to the family.

Akaki said Museveni sent drugs for the animals. He said the district veterinary officers help him control vectors such as tsetse flies and ticks by reg ularly spraying and dipping the animals.

He praised minister Akaki-Ayumu for linking him with Museveni.

“With Akaki’s efforts, Museveni was able to visit us and consequently donated money and cattle to the family,” Obadiah said.

Published on: Thursday, 4th March, 2004

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