For starters like you, Buganda can not return the land it fought for using spears and shield.  That was the nature of African kingdoms' territorial empire expansionism.   One kingdom looses territory to the other.  Bunyoro got back its Buyaga and Bugangaizi.  Why??  Because those territories (Buyaga and Bugangaizi) were fought for using guns!  Meaning, through British colonialism NOT through African empire expansionism (spear and shield). 
My question:  Can Ankole and Tooro return land stollen from Bunyoro??  I'm talking about land acquired through spears and shield (African empire expansionism).  Is Bunyoro even talking about its Tooro and Ankole lands??  Now, we have the Kibaale land issues.  The gov't of Uganda has bought off land from abscentee Baganda landlords.  What more land do you think there is for Bunyoro to get??  Unless if you are also slowly slipping into another fantasia.
The elections that were rigged that I'm referring to are the ones carried out during Obote's infamous dictatorship.  So, now you think Baganda killed themselves in Luweero with killer-Mu7 and murderer-Obote just looking on??  This is how easily a lie can be implanted in a human brain!  Obote is a done case!  No more!
If natives of Buganda are being casted as murderers who are running around with the Nyankoles killing civilians in the north and east, Why can't we go Federalism??  Under Federalism, our brothers and sisters in the north and east will be protecting themselves and they will not need any Banyankole and Baganda "protecting" them.  Simple!
You see whenever you put blame on Buganda, instead of blaming Ankole, I get a feeling that you are indeed living in denial.  The facts might be bitter but they are facts!  Ankole is planting its own seeds of hatred and alienation.  Who is in power today causing for the displacement of civilians in the north and east??  Buganda or Ankole??  Who holds the most numbered high positions in the UPDF??  Baganda or Banyankole??  Ankole today is at its height of military recruitement!  Have you got something to say about that??  Jeje Odong was dropped and a Munyankole took over!  You better wake up!  Smell the coffee! 
I think that Museveni (Ankole), Obote (Lango), Amin (W.Nile), Okello (Acholi), are to blame for the creation and sustainance of the present state of affairs in Uganda.  I want you to give me an example of a Muganda president who has caused such chaos than the 4 mentioned presidents who come outside Buganda.  Until, you bring him to the table, there is nothing sensible in this silly twisted discussion.  Ankole, Lango, W.Nile, and Acholi have caused this state of affairs which will continue to hunt and affect the whole country.  Let's put the blame on their rightful owners.
Personally, I find it quite silly, heartless, and senseless to ignore Federalism when the people of northern and eastern Uganda do not have the security and environment for free and sober thinking!  What is causing all this insecurity??  Might it be Unitarism, where this killer-Mu7 sends in forces from any part of Uganda to kill and brutalize northern and eastern civilians??  Ever since Federalism was banned by the dictator (Obote), Uganda has experienced one coup after the next!  All of this is happening right in our faces under, guess what?, Unitarism.
Non-critical thinkers have always went against Federalism as a punishment for Buganda!  This is why Uganda is the way it is.  Fools will always deny themselves freedom as a punishment for others.  Obote and Amin did the same thing.  This is what I prefer terming as self-destruction! 
You see, Buganda can not be alienationd or isolated by the rest of Uganda.  Why??  It hosts the capital city.  If Ugandans want to alienate Buganda, they will need to shift the capital city to another prefered, loved region.  I doubt if there is any welcoming region which is ready to let "foreigners" from all corners of Uganda to flow in.  Bunyoro, Teso, Acholi, Lango are examples of lack of hospitality.  
1)  Bunyoro is openly against Bakiga immigrants and Baganda legal land owners.
2)  Teso is openly against Bahiima cattle nomads, for fears of stealing land.
3)  Lango is clearly also full of anti-Acholi sentiments, mistaking innocent Acholis for LRA rebels.
4)  Acholi is suspecious of foreigners.  Recently, the told killer-Salim Saleh to get out of their faces because they think he wants to steal their land while they are confined in concentration camps. 
The examples can go on and on...  What welcoming part of Uganda can host a capital city??  Let's find out how negatively tribalistically Uganda is.  The examples above are only a tip of the iceburg, there is more we can find out.  Let's discuss!  While folks can slip into the land of fantasy, critical thinkers should get their eyes open. 
Uganda is not united and who ever thinks that the rest of Uganda can unite against Buganda and alienate it, is infact lying to him/herself.  These people hate each other!  How can they form a united coalition together??  Example; Ankole forming a coalition with Acholi or Lango!  Another example; Bunyoro and Kigezi forming another coalition!  Hhmm, this is how stupid things have became!
If there is any way the rest of Uganda can successfully alienate Buganda.  That would be by through annexing Buganda off Uganda.  I'm talking about a sussesion of Buganda from Uganda.  If this idea is in fact senseless, the same idea of alienating Buganda is just as senseless!  Ugandans we need to start!
Lastly:  If the capital city of Uganda was Lira, Do you think the interactions between Lango and the gov'ts in power could be avoided??  How can this avoidance occur??  Let's keep the debate going...
Zakoomu R.

"Vovi Uganda e.V." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
For starters like me, can Buganda first return the land stollen by Buganda from Bunyoro (with all that there are on it) back to Bunyoro. Well, as regards the role of Buganda during colonial times, Buganda did not only choose to survive by accomodating the Brits, but Buganda went a distance further in helping the Brits terrorise, dehumanise and kill people in Bugisu, Tororo, Teso, Lango and Acholi etc. Semei Kakungulo was one case in point in the bitter memory of the territories forcefully congered.
Which elections were rigged and where is your evidence to support your case. Buganda is repsonsible for the Luwero massacres, because Buganda and very much aware of war and its effects (Federo lovers, late Cardinal Nsubuga and Baganda elders), knowingly offered physical ground to killer Museveni.  
Considering the fact that sons and daughters of Buganda have been and still continue working with Museveni in the north and east of Uganda where miliions are displaced, it will be naive to refuse to see that those going through that experience for the last 18 years should in future meet you and throws pebbles of roses in your face. I am affraid, Buganda has planting its own seeds of hatred and alianation. In all those regimes you term as brutal and murderous, it was and still is Bagandans who have excelled in the art of killing and brutality.
Buganda is equally responsible for the creation and sustainance of the present state of affairs in Uganda, which I am sure will affect the future, not only of Buganda but the entire Country.
Finally, I find it very sensless and heartless discussing federo, when the people of northern and eastern Uganda do not have the security and environment required for free and sober thinking.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 5:31 AM
Subject: [Ugandacom] Re: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin

Some of you including Obote have never always meant well for the future of Uganda.  What is the future of Uganda??  May I ask?  Obote has never worked for the future of democracy in Uganda.  He banned political parties and ridged elections.  I want you to be sensible enough to acknowledge that.  Do not let your imagination run wild!
Museveni and his NRA are thugs and murderers, any sensible person knows that.  There is nothing new you are informing me about the dictator in charge today! 
What "future holes" am I digging by speaking the truth about Obote??  What actually do you mean by that??  Should I take the "future holes" for a future revenge against Buganda and her Kingdom??  I personaly, think that this kind of garbage you are blutting out is indeed a product of denial and lack of focus on real issues.
If you knew better than you know now, you would find out who is truelly digging the future holes you are talking about.  He is none other than the thug, Museveni!  He has made enemies out of our neighbors surrounding Uganda and in Uganda.  Blame Museveni, do not even start with me, or Buganda and her Kabaka.
Now, let me teach you about some things in history and life as in general.  The colonialist or imperialists came to Buganda with their big guns and shit.  Buganda had no choice but to work with these armed imperialists because they possed a real, dangerous threat to our ancenstors. 
Survival 101; you've got to work with the enemy whether you like it or not.  Buganda was not ready to sacrifice itself to be slaughtered by the colonialists, as they did to Native Americans and Zulus.  There is more to life than acting as sacrifices to invaders.  This should explain to you why Buganda hosts the largest single tribe/nation in Uganda.  Human sacrifices have never worked for critical thinkers!  Self preservation is the only way to allow the continuity of humanity.
Luweero massacres.  This mad man Museveni is no different from the colonialists.  You get in his way, he slaughters you without any mercy.  He did the same in Luweero, were civilians were caught in between Obote's brutal forceful gov't and the NRA rebels.  Obote forced the civilians to turn against the NRA rebels by killing and brutalizing them (civilians).  This murderer Museveni saw the civilians as people who were getting in his way, so he ordered for their slaughter.  Up to now, Luwero people want Museveni to pay for their financial losses (including blood) by financially supporting the living since the dead are already dead.  Money can not pay for a life, but the living have got to continue living.  Living is supported by money, you go and figure this one out.
Ever since Buganda witnessed both Obote and Museveni's murderous nature, we decided to go back on survival 101; you've got to work with the enemy whether you like it or not!  You can call Buganda names like Uganda sellers etc, but that does not change the fact that Obote murdered people. 
Once again, Buganda is to play her part.  Buganda can not avoid interacting with presidents in power.  Buganda's capital is Uganda's capital city.  How can they avoid each other??  You can slip into fantasia but I'll not go with you.  The colonialists could not avoid interacting with Buganda, the dictators of Uganda can not either. 
My dear, I want to bring you back to reality. GOD WILL NOT STOP THEM (murderer Mu7).  Let us bring back federalism in Uganda and empower regions to make decisions on their security matters.  Under this unitary system, the central gov't will continue to declare some northern regions not disaster areas.  Yet in a federal system, the Acholi or Lango states can declare their areas, disaster regions and protect themselves.  Today, the Arrow/Amuka boys are not paid for their services and they why they lack moral.  Under federalism, the states of Acholi and Lango can easily pay the Arrow/Amuka boys because these states can actually collect taxes and boost their security.
Lisa, come up with better cases!  This business of you wishing on God to come down and make a miracle, yet God gave humans power to decide over their destiny is indeed foolish!  Wake up!  Support Federalism for All!  And let me remind you that Obote killed federalism, we need to start from scratch now.
Zakoomu R.

Lisa Toro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yaobang and others,
How many cows did the Misevenis and NRA take from Dr. Obote's home when they killed his frail father? How many did they takes from Obote's relatives and indeed the whole area plus district!. You will be more stupid to say it is 25 Cows.  Infact they are harrassing and intimidating the Obotes brother then shout that they gave 25 blood cows! Those NRM vultures NEVER GET ENOUGH, ONLY GOD WILL STOP THEM.
  Rehema Mukooza  whatever garbage you are talking about, some of us including Obote have always mean well for the future of Ugandans but your are busy digging future holes! But then again Ugandan sellers have always perferred to work with colonialist , imperialist etc etc and once more they have to keep the system going.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 5:50 AM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin

Buying Obote for what??  Obote can not function at his age!  He is of no use to any thinking Ugandan who is looking forward to the future.  The Kabaka will never be "bought"; he stays, president after president.  Who ever thinks so, is indeed misguided and misinformed, like Obote.  You can never ever buy a Kabaka. 
Obote tried it once, when he offered money to the Ankole, Bunyoro, Tooro, and Busoga monarchies in order to ban them real good, but the Kabaka of Buganda refused and he was exiled.  Obote even wanted to chose who among the princes should take over after Kabaka Muteesa was exiled.  Wrong decision - Poor, stupid, Obote! 
My advice to the anti-Kabaka camps is that, the monarchy of Buganda shall exist no matter what.  The monarchy has already proved resilient towards blows (Obote, Amin).  People, ya'll better use that energy of yours on something else and leave the Kabaka alone.  The Kabaka has us regular folks to back him up no matter what.  That is how strong an alliagence can be to our King(s), present and future. 
Some politicians like Obote, Museveni might think that they are "buying" the Kabaka, but in reality they are to move out and our Prince (Kabaka) is to stay in.  A monarchy is a monarchy, unlike seasonal political leadership i.e Obote, Mu7.  Mr. Yaobang, come up with a better example of folks being 'bought' by cows or money.  I don't know why you people don't understand that Buganda and her Kabakaship are inseparatable.  "Buying" something that will never go away, that has always existed is a sick example of how some Ugandans will never get it.
Zakoomu R.

Y Yaobang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

J Ssemakula,

Unlike your Kabaka, Obote cannot be bought with 25 cows, or any other bribe!


>From: "J Ssemakula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin
>Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2004 01:59:09 +0000

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> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
From: "J Ssemakula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2004 01:59:09 +0000

Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin

By Patrick Opio

PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has donated 25 heifers to the family of exiled former president Milton Obote’s brother, Obadiah Akaki.

Akaki, 80, Obote’s elder brother said he received the cows through state minister for wildlife and antiquities Jovino Akaki-Ayumu, his clansman.

He said in an interview at his home at Abeibuti village, Akokoro sub-county, Apac, recently that the cattle provide him with plenty of milk.

He said he supplies the milk to the local community for money.

“My family now harvests a good amount of milk daily. We consume part of it and sell the rest to people in the neighbourhood,” he said.

Museveni gave Akaki sh10m when he visited his home in September 9, 2000.

He then promised to donate heifers for milk production to the family.

Akaki said Museveni sent drugs for the animals. He said the district veterinary officers help him control vectors such as tsetse flies and ticks by reg ularly spraying and dipping the animals.

He praised minister Akaki-Ayumu for linking him with Museveni.

“With Akaki’s efforts, Museveni was able to visit us and consequently donated money and cattle to the family,” Obadiah said.

Published on: Thursday

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