I started replying to this last night but, as usual, I knew that I was not in the mood because I would pause to think of words to contract the next sentence. And whenever I do that, I end up not making sense to readers but to myself. I like my fingers to do the talking on the keyboard, In other words, what you are about to read, is what you would have heard if I were to talk to you. And of course once I finish talking, I read it once to correct, not grammar and syntax, but typing errors. Worrying about grammar and syntax is an unnecessary exercise that is too strenuous for my brain cells. I would rather worry about sizes.




<<Size of what?>>


Take a guess.


<<How big or heavy?>>


Ssenya, I would be glad to let you know if you allow me the honor to visually inspect.


<<Is that a plus or a minus?>>


Ssenya, please stop tries to indirectly brainwash me. I am too old and too experience, so please go and try your backward psychology on little girls whose brain cells are still vulnerable to patriarchy. Let me expand on that just like I expand according to size.


<<Is that a plus>>


According to experience and the feminist Bible, definitely a plus!!!!


It is a plus for me because men fear me, they have no choice but to respect me and I demand it. I am awe-inspiring.  Do you see any son of a bitch here belittle or responding to me anyhow?  You all write to me with maximum respect. You, men, have the option to fake names to sign on Ugandanet and insult a malaya like me but I think those who tried it have advised the rest accordingly.


No man can dare get close to my vagina because they are terrified of being zapped with high voltage electricity. I zap unsuspecting victims anytime I choose. I am a whore/malaya, you, men, all know that but contrary to the way I was raised, no man wants to use and abuse me sexually. Why not? Because men are afraid of each other’s penis size. especially when I have explicitly made it known that I will talk if I see what I don't like. We all know that there is one only accurate measuring tape and if you, a man, does not size up, you are bound to be rejected and a man will never accept rejection; leave alone one of this magnitude, which is intended to clip manhood from its core. I don't give a shit about your manhood because, not you, a man, but patriarchy does not a give a shit about my womanhood either. If you have a problem with it, blame yo ur stupid parents for giving you a little penis. Don't try to control my sexual behaviour by imposing stupid patriarchal cultural laws on me a woman, in order to protect you, a man. Bullshit!  Never! We all know that all men want virgins only because their measuring tape can easily be deceived.


<<or a minus>>


According to men's Bible, definitely a minus for men but patriarchy play backward psychology on us little girls (brainwash us little girls to believe that it is a minus for us in order to protect men's interest). Let me expand on that, just I like I would expand according to size. 


Once again, contrary to the way I was brainwashed by patriarchy from childhood, it is a minus for a man because you can never get close to my vagina. You fear me because you fear each others penis size. You know that I got the perfect measuring tape. You would never take off your cheap khaki pants before me because you would be too afraid that you would be too small for me. Like I said, I will tell a little man to tuck his large clitoris back between his legs. I got the real thing; I don't need an elongated one from a foreigner.



I am a mentally and financially independent woman. I don't give a flip about what men think about me. I don't give a flip about culture and tradition because it is intended to protect men’s interest  with absolute no regard for The Woman Feeling. Culture and tradition raised me to wait for a man to protect my feelings but flip that! I have decided to do it for myself. Need I elaborate on the magnitude of my success? I don't flipping think so!!


Calling satanic hedonism if you wish. No social system, culture and tradition to be specific, is going to brainwash me or control me so that I live my life to protect men. Not any more! I am protecting myself. Culture and tradition can kiss my large size.


By the way, I am still waiting for men who want to sow their seeds with no responsibilities attached.



ssenya nyange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Size of what? How big or heavy? Is that a plus or minus?

j. Ssenyange

>From: Anyomokolo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: ugnet_: My pride
>Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 15:50:06 -0500 (EST)
>My size is my pride. Tough.
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