Owange Jonah,

If you want to silence Mulindwa ( or else he will dodge the question), ask him to name his lineage ( Olugya,Olunnyiriri, omutuba, essiga, Akasolya). The guy has been asked on this net more than 10 times but he has never answered any question regarding lieage. Now he wants to tells us that Okwong- Okumu, Lisa toro & co. know his lineage!! That test is almost near to scientific test.

Adam Dada came out with the true identity. Did he dispute it? Did any of those fellows challenge Dada's assertion? All they want is to cheer him because he is sowing haterade against Baganda- their enemy no#1 as if Baganda are the one who took away their free "mugaati". Mulindwa is on Obote\ UPC payroll. Thats why all the time Yogha Adhola write to Ugandanet through him. Its a UPC -MUlindwa Communication group. Open the veil and see the true face.


Whenever Mulindwa write articles reffering to him self as " we Baganda.bluh bluh..", do not wast your time answering him. Just repost Dada's email. Keep it in your "saved" emails for future replies to Mulindwa. Dont argue to him on this net



From: "jonah kasangwawo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Mulindwa is not Mulindwa! - is this a joke?
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2004 13:28:50 +0000

Ha, ha ! Just look at the list he gives to prove his identity : Opoka, Kipenji, Okwong-okumu, 'Lisa Toro' (an Acholi in the UK), even Dr. Mulera - all people who came to know him when he had already taken on the name of 'Mulindwa' ! Not even a single person who can identify his lineage. Adam Dada was right - you need to accept your true origin. We are aware of the presence of a lot of non-Baganda in Luweero, you needn't be ashamed of it.


From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Mulindwa is not Mulindwa! - is this a joke?
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 04:44:58 -0500


And I will not add the Ugandans who personally know me that are not in the forum but I will mention those who are in these forums who personally know me and I will take Chris Opoka, Kipenji, your self, even my good friend Dr. Mulera, I can go to those in Europe as Lisa, and as many as possible who we have mate over and over and who know me for years and years.

Then one can not help but wonder which Ugandan knows Rehema Zakoomu !!

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