"Federalism is proposed as a tool against bad governance. We are suggesting that we manage our day-to-day governance locally because we have too much difficulty running everything from the centre."
That is a lie, bad governance is a bad governance and has nothing to do with federalism or Unitary, it is bad governance period. And those who are serious in understanding must remember how NRM concocted the RC system under the burner of you see Obote was running things from Kampala, today we are giving you a system where you the people through your RC one will decide what you want and it will be done.
Unfortunately Baganda bought that crap. Here we are today. But instead of asking our selves why the RC system failed we are now pleading for federalism as a political solution. Like I said before Federalism functions only in a democratic society, federalism is a measure of how democratic a country has become, Federalism does not and has never built democracy, that is why you have never seen a totarian federalism. What we need today in Uganda is a functioning government, leadership,. a government of Uganda not a government as NRM which is a government of southerners. 
Hong Kong

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: Lugemwa FN
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 9:58 AM
Subject: ugnet_: Federo is unifying force for Uganda-Christine Nabukeera


Federo is unifying force for Uganda

by Christine Nabukeera

"Advocates for federalism in Uganda" is an independent, non-partisan think tank. Its mission is to champion ideas that will help Ugandans make informed public policy choices.

Our research aims to enhance the quality of the debate on the issues that matter most to Ugandans by focusing on the strategic choices they must make to promote economic performance, social progress and sound democratic governance.

Federalism is proposed as a tool against bad governance. We are suggesting that we manage our day-to-day governance locally because we have too much difficulty running everything from the centre.

Most importantly, instead of pretending that we are united, let us actually negotiate and plan that unity.

Hegel once said, "Freedom is the recognition of necessity". In Uganda today, the most important thing we must recognise is the necessity to abandon the current model (unitary) of governance that has failed to serve the whole country.

Federalism for all does not favour any region over the rest, but rather treats all regions equally, irrespective of size and wealth.
We argue that equal representation should be constitutionally guaranteed and fixed. We embrace an all-inclusive federalism for Uganda for a more efficient, equitable and fair distribution of wealth and resources.

Christine Nabukeera,


Reposted by FN   Lugemwa




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