Zakoomu,sorry but I really have no time for obtunded dunderheads
like you for your pedastal views are not worth my indulgence.
Try your  circumlocutions reminiscent of those under the burdens
of bipolar disorders with others.
Celebrate as much as your foolishness can lead you.
Thank you.

Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Let me tell you something, in this world we live in, people do celebrate the deaths of their enemies.  To be specific, people do act to bring death to their enemies through wars and other means.  This is not new to a critical thinker like me.  I will continue to celebrate the deaths of the enemies of my freedom.  Does the celebration prelude me from death?? = NO!  Do people who go to war to finish off their enemies eventually die in time?? = YES.  Everyone will die, that's the natural law any child knows. 
The point however is that, in the absence (death) of an enemy, we freedom seekers get closer to what we want, and that is freedom.  The closer (more enemies die) we get, the more celebrations we carry out.  What is there for us to miss (mourn) for these murderers like Oyite-Ojok??  You've got to be kidding me.  We weren't born yesterday.  We know how this world works.  And we shall press for this world to evolve around our FREEDOMS.  An enemy of our freedom, is an enemy of our world and civilizations, and thus the enemy should get out of our way (death, exile).  We have one life to live.  We have no time and space for these enemies.  This is why I shall praise Allah for his action towards the death of Oyite-Ojok.
Captain Godfrey Kato might have died along with the enemies of freedom, it is not suprising to me.  Kato was playing along with the enemies, supporting them in their every action to suppress our freedoms.  It was either Kato was dumb, or he sold his soul to the enemies (puppet).  Whatever he did, it is too late now to dwell on these puppets of our enemies.  I see these puppets as equivalent to the enemy. 
Kipenji, I find it very uncritical ofyou to give the Canadian experience of Black and White as an example to work in a majority Black Uganda or Africa.  In Canada they will view all Blacks as the same, but such does not apply in Uganda.  In Uganda they will view people according to their TRIBES or nations (whatever they call it).  Take the Bakenyi in Teso as an example.  In Teso, any Mukenyi is doomed to be at the end of the list to see a doctor.  In Teso, Bahiima settlers are viewed as a threat.  And these are all "Black" people in our Black Africa, Uganda.  Let us stop blinding ourselves when it comes to tribal identity, Uganda is not Canada.  Can't you tell the difference??
The fact that you going for the blindness of tribal identity brings me back to the discussion of "personal merit" as being applied to government jobs, where a majority of these jobs are dominated by Ugandans of Western descent.  If you thought that such a "fundamental change" was not good for Uganda, what makes you think that tribal identities are bad for the country or Africa at large??  To me, you sound no different from Museveni or Obote. 
An explanation for the reason why non Blacks are going to the Jupiter (where they can not live) is because in Africa, people have still blinding themselves to the fact that we are diverse, tribal-wise.  In many parts of Africa, like Uganda, we still have people among us who have failed to grasp this fact.  E.g. Obote, Amin, Museveni.  These men are elluding themselves to the tribal differences and they have all worked towards killing people of other tribes in order to "unite" Uganda.  They thought that by oppressing their tribal opponents, they will get "nationalism".   Hahaha, this is such an illussion - the greatest lie any Ugandan president could ever believe. 
The only way to move forward, is to acknowledge the tribal differences in our mothersoil and cut this denial.  How should we acknowledge these differences?? = We should see people according to their tribe and have a tribally representative governance.  How can we do this?? =  A tribally representative federalism can do the fundamental magic for us.  How can it?? = With every tribe represented at the national and local level, a fair, just, representation, sharing of power is achieved among all tribes.  Can such federalism divide the country?? = NO! such federalism will infact strengthen our country and bring us towards true patriotism.  How?? = Because each tribe gets its share of the national cake.
Buganda's "Gakyaali mabaga" - (tip of the iceberg) slogan is not flawed logic, because it has worked for Buganda all this time.  Gakyaali mabaga slogan prepares people for what's next, the worst they will see.  There is nothing wrong with being prepared for the worst because the game is survival, and people must secure their future.  That aint "flawed logic", if so, prove it.  I believe there are other Gakyaali mabaga equivalents in other languages of Uganda.  The problem however is that Owor Kipenji, you are trying to scapegoat Buganda and highlight it from the rest with your negative perspective.
Living in Buganda with all its flawed logic, I wonder why people from all parts of mother Uganda today are eager to read Bukedde in English.  These people wanna know and they are very curious about Buganda and its success with all its intellectual logic of "Gakyaali mabaga" and "Ffe kasita twebaka".  That intellectual shit is working!  Hahahahah.  You will not see Buganda asking for Orumuri, Rupiny, and Etop newspapers to be translated into Luganda for these people's logic has not worked for their home areas.  And therefore there is nothing of intellectual logicity to learn or read about in these Orumuri, Rupiny, and Etop propaganda newspapers.
You know these are the things these people should be asking themselves before they negative portray Buganda and her survival logic which has worked for years and years, and is still working today.  In case you have not noticed, these Baganda were born to stay alive and look forward towards the future of life.  These people are using their logic to have "peace/ttulo" admist the political chaos in our country.  I take my hat off for these people for maintaing peace/sleep in a country like ours.  They will be among the majority who will live to tell the story of how they survived these dark ages we are living forced on us by the dictatorship of Obote, Amin, and Museveni.  These Baganda believe that there is more to life than political wars with an enemy (Mu7) who is powerful than they are.  They have decided to enjoy the "peace/ttulo" and continue to live their lives.  Life Must Go On, and Peace/Ttulo is the Key.
Zakoomu M.

Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mshemiwa Ssenyange,I want to applaud your logic if at all
that passes for one with the exception that you really did not
pay attention to those Officers and Men of the UNLA who died
in that Helicopter crash with the then Chief of Army Staff.
Do you remember a one Captain Godfrey Kato,a promising
then 28 year old Muganda who died in that crash just a month
after his colourful wedding?
If you do ,does it mean that you and your fellow Baganda did actually
celebrate the loss of this young and talented Muganda soldier,whose widow could be one of the listers on this forum?
Ssenyange and ilk,the world has two fundamental divide,i.e Black and
White.In Ottawa where you reside,I do not think any non balck person
will ask you whether you are a Muganda first rather than whether you
come from Africa,by the time they ask you which part of Africa you hail
the discussion of your being a Muganda would not arise for that will matter less to them.This explains why these non Blacks are planning
to go to the Mars and Jupiter while our blacks in Uganda are still bothering themselves with knowing olunyiriri,entuba and all that crap and busy celebrating other people's demise as if that by itself has precluded them from death.
With this type of flawed logic,it is no wonder that the Buganda Motto since about 1200 has been and is:"Gakyaaali mabaga".
Can we not stop and revist this motto that appears to lead us to a cul-de sac?.The logic is if whence you do something you get the same flawed results,you ought to change the methodology if you are to move forward and that is what I expect of all those intellectuals and elites from Mother
Thank you.

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What is the population of Baganda? Just curious !
Secondly, some of us were in Uganda and in luwero at the time, but Museveni was the minister of defense, can Ssenyange tell us what happened in Uganda under Museveni's watch? It is one of those questions which will never be answered by our people who are enjoying the road map of peace, same as they say "Ffe kasita twebaka" yet they can not tell you who refused them to sleep all along, just a name who refused Ugandans to sleep?
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: Y Yaobang
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2004 8:11 PM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok’s family secrets buried here\


You stated:

"... the Baganda who lost the 500,000 relatives under Oyite's command. ..."

This is a very serious statement and allegation. I would not be suprised if you ended up in court over this!!


>From: "ssenya nyange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok’s family secrets buried here\
>Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 19:52:10 -0400
>Owor Kipenji,
>      As I mentioned in my email posting that its not good to
>celebrate someone's death but Oyite's case was different. Just as
>many celebrated the death and fall of Hitler, especially those who
>had lost their beloved ones, so didd the Baganda who lost the
>500,000 relatives under Oyite's command.
>Buy ending his life, God answered the haunting blood of the dead and
>indeed Oyite died in the sky or on the soil of Luweero.How long did
>the UPC killing continue after Oyite's death? Less that 2 years. He
>was the rise and fall of UPC in the 80's. He was tainted with blood
>of 1/2 million  innocent citizens. If his death was seen as the road
>map to stop the massacres in Buganda, why not celebrate the road map
>victory, just because it saved another million if the UPC was to
>continue ruling for another 5 years.
>>From: Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok’s family secrets buried here\
>>Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 14:04:44 +0100 (BST)
>>What Mshemiwa Ssenyange is describing is typical of the tools
>>many who have be outsmarted resort to i.e wait for the course of
>>nature to rescue them from their own failings.
>>Death is the only democratic process that exists in Life and hence
>>Nobody including the Ssenyanges and their ilk of this world will
>>somehow circumvent it.
>>Rejoicing at anyones' death friend or foe epitomizes the level of
>>ignorance that surrounds that person.
>>Mr Ssenyange,one of these days if you have time,read that
>>Christus unser Schiksaal(Jesus Christ our Destiny) by Wilheim Busch
>>and therein you will come of age to understand why today,unlike
>>then the Jews behave collectively in grieving the death of even the
>>least of their members.
>>Thank you.
>>gook makanga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>The celebrations were in Nairobi? Dont you find that strange? Why
>>in Nairobi when the Mood in Kla was of saddness? I was in Kla then
>>and i could also show you a pic. of a crowd of Ugandans in
>>"Rang guthe agithi marapu!" A karamonjong word of wisdom
>>----Original Message Follows----
>>From: "ssenya nyange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok’s family secrets buried here\
>>Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 16:31:15 -0400
>>The auther doesnt know how majority people celebrated, boosed and
>>danced upon the news of Oyite's death. At that time I was in
>>Nairobi and I wish I could show you some of the pictures of
>>celebrants in a big public place. Its not good to celebrating
>>someones death but Oyite's case was very different. It was like the
>>Jews celebrating the death of Hitler. The celebration paid off 2
>>years later.
>>J. Ssenyange

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