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YKM as always is misleading the public. He is lying to the public that if Uganda were to become a federal state, whatever gains as per his reasoning, taking services closer to the people would be reversed, and the "peasant will be forced to walk from Buwekula to Mmengo". The irony is that YKM says so with a straight face without realizing the folly behind his mangled logic. 


The perception in Uganda that federalism is hostile to decentralization is outright rubbish. Decentralization is a subset of federalism so how can the later be hostile or incompatible to/with the former. Unfortunately, given the state of the media in Uganda, you can’t point out the fallacy in the Ssebagabe's reasoning.  It is a fallacy but in away it is good for the federalist camp because if YKM and others are relying on such rubbish, I say bring it on.


Consider YKM's reasoning for a moment: decentralization under a unitary system has done so much for the peasants and in his view, such decentralization is impossible under federalism.  Hello!


One begins to see the argument YKM intends to advance to derail federalism: decentralization is working fine within the unitary system and should not be tempered with.  In a full debate, that is a gift to the federal camp but for now let YKM and his side kicks, the Ofwono-Opondos contend themselves that they have a rebuttal against federalism. They don't.


YKM is so vulnerable but he is lucky that the opposition is even worse. If only they could abandon their fantasy of a coalition involving the "big 7' and build a coalition on 3 core issues, YKM would be history, but the opposition is fidgeting, you know by now why they are fidgeting-they have let PAFO mislead them into thinking otherwise.  How or why should a queuing issue within the movement drive the opposition and National Agenda?  That is what PAFO is about-disgruntled elements who want to become ministers and power shakers?  I do not see how or why DP, UPC or CP fit into that Agenda.


Kabaka Mutebi is not asking for any powers for himself. That too is a deliberate campaign being waged that the Kabaka wants powers, he does not want powers. All Mmengo wants is the ability to set and implement certain policies. The same could be said of Busoga, Teso, Karamoja, Bunyoro, that is, all they want is full federalism. 






>From: Leo Ssebweze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [FedsNet] Museveni to give some power to Kabaka Mutebi - Bukedde 21/4/2004
>Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 00:03:04 +0100 (BST)
>Mwami Kibuka,
>My take on Museveni's proposal to talk to Mmengo is confusion.
>President Museveni has made a re-assurance that he is to hold talks with Mengo to evaluate the extent of powers to be given back to the Kabaka. [Isn't this a constitutional issue?]
>Museveni while talking tough, warned that there are people bent on playing with people's power in decision making and warned such people that they were playing on a wrong ground. [Wasn't Museveni who said that the people of Uganda could not decide their future and installed a one-party system?]
>"There are some people who had wanted Buganda powers to be reverted to Mmengo and local authority powers in other parts of the country to be re-located to certain/ particular areas but we rejected that. [Is it not the choice of the people, for example, in Buganda who have demanded that local authority powers be vested in the Mmengo admin?]
>We implied the districts so that you could make decisions and those inclined to turbulations of local authorities are joking", Museveni was quoted as saying. [He has to be the joker. That he believes that he is saying anything is the joke].
>One could go and on but you do get the point
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