
Bulgarian Medics Infect Children with HIV virus

The Nigerian Punch Daily Newspaper of Friday May 7th 2004, reported on page 49, Lower portion of column 1, that âLibya to Execute Bulgarian Medicsâ, caught attention last night.

I am still amazed that the Global watchers and Fighters of AIDS/HIV related issues have been silent on the issue.

The case started about five years ago.  The Medics deliberately injected HIV virus into some 400 children in Childrenâs hospital in Banghazi, Libya.   40 of the Children have died already.

Libya is a more advance, more transparent African/Arab Country.  How sure are we of what the happenings are in other African countries, especially the corrupt ones that can do any thing for money?

The cry for death/Maximum Penalty from the Libyan Prosecutors is not the solution.  There is need for the African Union, UNICEF and the UNAIDS to wade into the matter and seek a lasting solution to the rampant cases of some (not all) advantaged Nations committing heinous crimes against humanity, because of the ignorance or corrupt stance of the leaders and officials of other less privileged nations.

This reduces the blame (if any) on the Kano State Medical officials that refused the polio vaccines used in their state.  And tries to validate the cry against procter and Gamble infecting women with HIV through Sanitary Towels in Maiduguri some years.

May the Almighty continue to deliver us from the hands of Godless people who believe they can hold the world at ransom. 

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

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