The "wise on",Yoweri Museveni apparently pomised to deployee UPDF troops in Burundi to 
help fight Burundi Rebels..Wrong move!


BURUNDI  14/5/2004 15:59 
 General, Brief 
The army allegedly killed nine rebels of FNL (National Liberation Forces) - the last 
armed group active in Burundi ?yesterday afternoon a dozen kilometres southeast of the 
capital Bujumbura, military sources said today. Government forces reportedly found the 
bodies of the combatants near Kabumba in the province of Bujumbura Rural this morning. 
However, FNL denies having taken casualties, accusing the army of killing civilians 
with bombs dropped from military aircraft. Military sources report that the clashes 
began last Tuesday after the rebels ambushed a government patrol near Burima, roughly 
30 kilometres southeast of the capital, allegedly injuring four people. These recent 
episodes aside, the most violent clashes between FNL and the army date back to last 
month; dozens of civilians, rebels and soldiers were killed in the violence, while 
over 30,000 people were forced to abandon their homes. FNL is the only armed movement 
that has not reached an agreement with the government to end the conflict in which 
over 300,000 people ?mostly civilians - have died, according to the United Nations.[LC]

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