tness saw Ayume trailer

THIS IS IT: Sekatte points at the spot where a pothole had been filled up with murram by Ministry of Works personnel

By Patrick Luganda
AND Andrew Kalema

An eye witness has recounted how he saw a trailer truck drive away from the accident scene where Attorney General Francis Ayume died last Sunday.

The New Vision also established that a pothole that may have caused the accident was re-sealed by Ministry of Works personnel on Thursday morning.
The crew was later in the afternoon seen working on other potholes 1.6km from Kyankonwa where Ayume died.

Jackson Sekatte, the LC1 chairman of Kasambya village in Nakasongola, said he was locking his roadside shop just after 10:30pm when he heard the sound of metal scraping on tarmac, followed by three successive loud thuds.
“Let me tell the truth as I saw it. I immediately went into the road to see what could have happened. I saw a trailer with full lights coming from the Kampala direc-
tion. It was not moving fast. The trailer’s cabin was white and the trailer was covered with a tarpaulin. It had no r ear lights, so I had no chance to see the number plates.

“In the distance, I saw a stationary vehicle in the road with double indicator lights flashing. I rode my bicycle to the scene and found two bodies, one on the side of the road, and the other in front of the stationary vehicle on the tarmac,” Sekatte said.

Sekatte made his narrative to The New Vision on Thursday as journalists visited the scene. He said the trailer driver may have been confused by a pothole, lost control, swerved off the road and caused Ayume’s driver to get off the main road.
“I do not believe the trailer hit the vehicle,” Sekatte said.

The New Vision was directed to Sekatte by Nakasongola Police Station chief. Earlier on, residents had refused to talk to the press, saying their testimony could be used against them.
“We cannot go as witnesses to the Police,” one man said. But thereafter, they led The New Vision to Sekatte’s shop.

Published on: Saturday, 22nd May, 2004

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