Museveni possible Nobel candidate

By Julius Mucunguzi in Oslo, Norway

THE executive director of the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize Committee has praised President Yoweri Museveni for his efforts in helping resolve regional conflicts and combating the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Professor Geir Lundestad, who has also been the secretary to the committee of five distinguished Norwegians since 1990, said in an interview on Thursday that the committee has been following events in the Great Lakes region and the Sudan, and were impressed with steps taken in resolving regional problems.

“Africa’s problem in the recent past has been the question of civil wars in Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo etc. We are following closely the peace agreement signed by the factions in Sudan, and if it could hold out, we could possibly have a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize. We are waiting and hoping,” he said from his office on Drammensveien 19, Oslo.

“There are potential candidates for the prize incl uding President Yoweri Museveni among many others. We also know his active record in fighting HIV, which is commendable. We have a very rich background about him,” he added.

Started by a Swedish philanthropist Alfred Nobel, the peace prize in its 103-year history, has been awarded to outstanding individuals and organisations that have made remarkable contribution to the attainment of peace worldwide.

Africans who have received the prize include former South African President Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and Albert Luthuli, former president of the African National Congress.

The prize has also been awarded to organisations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, UNICEF, Amnesty International, UNHCR and Medicins Sans Frontiers. Former US presidents Jimmy Carter, Wilson Woodrow and civil rights activist Martin Luther King won the prize.


New Vision: Saturday, 29th May, 2004



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