-       In their article “When did you last de-worm yourself?” June 1, 2004

-       Now not being a medical doctor, questions must be asked exactly about this 

-       The masses where advised to de-worm Uganda children a very great idea in 
itself. But WHAT IS ALMINTH?

-       Just exactly when I have been at a one-side shop a reserve of Uganda pharmacy 
fledging shop I witnessed what I thought was a disaster for our country.

-       Who prescribes these drugs and later on who allows the importation of these 

-       I asked a woman to give me a piece of paper in a box of drug tablets called 

-       DESCRIPTION read like this; Almith (albendazole) is a benz-imidazole 
anthelmintic chemically related to mebendazole. 

-       Clinical Pharmacology; The mechanism of anthelmintic action is not CLEARLY 
UNDERSTOOD, but ITS BELIEVED to be acting as a wormicidical by causing depletion of 

-       And it goes on to inform us that about 14% of the dose taken is absorbed and 
converted into albendazolesulphoxide. 

-       CONTRADICTIONS; Alminth has been found to be EMBROYTOXIC in experimental 
animals and hence it is contraindicated during pregnancy.

-       Alminth cause elevations in hepatic enzyme levels in clinical studies. 

-       Reversible reduction in total white cell count has also been reported.

-       It has been administered with caution in patients with liver and 
haematological disease.

-       Adverse Reactions- gastro-intenstinal disturbances, headaches- reversible 
alopecia limited to thinning of hair has been reported. Alminth may cause 
hepatotoxicity as hypersensitive reaction.

-       So I asked who prescribed this drug to you mum – NO my friend told me to 
de-worms kids – so I bought it for myself and children.


Muhwezi warns on selling free drugs 
By Abubaker Mukose 
Health minister Brig. Jim Muhwezi has warned people against selling the 
anti-retroviral drugs provided to AIDS patients by the Government. 
Muhwezi (right) said this in a speech read by Prof. Emmanuel Kaijuka while opening an 
office for the National Drug Authority (NDA) in Jinja recently. 
He said people got the drugs from gazetted clinics either free of charge or at 
subsidised prices and sold them to drug stores. 
Muhwezi asked the NDA to ensure that the drugs sold were safe. 
New Vision: Wednesday, 2nd June, 2004 


Am I missing something? If AIDS drugs are available free of charge or at lower cost in 
government clinic, who buys those sold in drug stores and why? 

Why would an AIDS patient sell the very drugs that are supposed to help him/her? 

And/or why do government officials give AIDS medications to those who dot have AIDS 
and therefore don't need them? 

Mr. Muhwezi, as the minister for health, you are  the responsible party for creating 
this apparent black market, no one else. If you cannot discharge your duties without 
stealing,  not only should you resign, but you ought be prosecuted and jailed for good 
measure -- in addition to re-imbusing the government of Uganda (i.e. we the people or 
"peasants" as you fellows like to call us)! No excuses, no buts, no ifs. Enough, is 
enough. Down with your sheananigans!

Was it a few weeks ago, months or never? Regular de-worming is an essential part of 
healthy living and preventative health care practices.This is because one can get 
worms in their bodies such as tapeworms, whipworms, hookworms and roundworms in very 
simple ways such as Drinking un-boiled water, which may be contaminated with worms or 
which may carry worm eggs.  
Children under the age of ten are more at risk and should be de-wormed as regularly as 
possible (File Photo)
Eating unwashed food especially raw fruits and vegetables (salads) or eating foods 
washed with contaminated water. Eating half-cooked food carrying worms and worm eggs 
like roasted beef, pork and fish. One may experience some or all of the following 
symptoms when they have worms.·       Itching in the anal area ·      Developing 
anaemia ·    Vomiting ·      Chronic diarrhoea ·     Abdominal pains Passing worms and 
worm eggs along with stool (so faecal examinations can be carried out when one 
suspects that they have worms.)·       Enlarged abdomens/potbellies especially in 
children ·   Loss of appetite and consequential weight loss ·        Intestinal 
obstruction (because the biggest worm population is found in the intestines) ·       
It is therefore necessary for one to de-worm themselves regularly for a number of 
reasons. ·    Since the acidity condition in our stomachs is not enough to terminate 
the survival of worms, de-worming should be done to disable them from multiplying and
 creating colonies in our stomachs. ·   Worms are parasites that compete with us for 
nutrients and blood. Without de-worming, one risks having their blood and nutrients 
sucked from the intestinal tract by these worms. These creatures excrete and the 
toxins damage body tissues and cause intestinal obstruction disorders. We need to 
de-worm to avoid re-infection or passing the infection to others (Worms can be easily 
picked from toilet seats, contaminated water sources etc). Certain categories of 
people are more at risk and should therefore make sure they de-worm as regularly as 
possible.Pregnant women are some of the people in this group. The un-born baby needs 
blood and nutrients and so does the expectant mother. De-worming kills worms that take 
up the much-needed nutrients and blood. Children especially those below the age of ten 
can easily lose blood since the ratio of their blood volume to body mass is very 
small. De-worming is therefore necessary to reduce chances of the
 m becoming anaemic. But when all is said and done, everyone else should de-worm 
themselves as a way of attaining better health and eliminating complications caused by 
worms.Dr Ayella Robert of Mulago hospital recommends regular de-worming with or 
without exhibiting symptoms of worm infection.“De-worming should be done every 3-6 
months with the exception of pregnant women who should only de-worm once between the 
fourth and sixth months,” he says.Dr Ayella recommends between 200-250 ml grams (2-2 ½ 
tablets) of mebendazole or albendazole for children between six months and five years 
of age and this should be swallowed in a single dose.For adults and children above 5 
years of age, 500 ml grams (about 5 tablets) are advised and should be swallowed in a 
single dose as well. Since the drug causes nausea in some people, it should be taken 
with or after meals. Source: Dr Robert Ayella, Mulago Hospital.

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