If you have access to Fox News then you must of heard, three weeks ago, that in America 2/3 divorce between couple over age 40, initiated by the woman. This purports my piece below. I guess for most men the penis begins to retire after age 40. "Most" because some of my much older men on AcholiNet have defied nature. The truth is that men can't accept a woman rejecting their large clitoris, so they wrote the flipped Bible to protect their ego and bind us in a contract: "till death do us part" and "No man shall sleep with another man's wife" whatever! To me having sex with one man for the rest of my life is insane. Seriously insane.
Anyway read my experience in church four months ago.
God bless America.
I went to church in Brooklyn, NY, on Saturday, February 07, 2004 with friends who know that God is my worst enemy. It was a small crowd where they all know each other. I told my friends to tell the priests to not bother me. It was a spiritual healing prayer to mark the end of one month fasting. It did not take long before these two women, evangelist Mary and another sister Catherine, who were standing on 'stage', started screaming like real…I will be kind and not insult them. Just as I was about to give sister Catherine credit for calming down and talking in a low quiet, nice voice, she started down the steps towards me and said, “Lets welcome sister Sophia”. She was about five feet away when she switched the microphone to her right hand and looked directly at me. I stared right back and almost said don’t 'flipping' touch me but the fierce _expression_ on my stone cold face stopped her on her tracks. 
It was time for individual spiritual cleansing prayer when the pastor, Anthony, owner of the church and whose wife is my coworker, started signaling me. I shook my head and he acknowledged but the grin on his face was one of, you have to receive God in your life today. You have to get saved today. Whatever the 'flip' that means! Not that I really give a sh*t. I had observed enough and was not interested in having any stranger(s) scream at me with their hands on my head. I was also afraid of being perhaps hypnotized and brainwashed so that I begin to live the artificial life of a Christian where I would wake up in the middle of the night and start talking to myself like an idiot. 
After the service, sister Catherine asked why I did not accept the lord. I told her that I am a feminist and I find religion very gender biased, besides, I would not subscribe to a culture that restricts my sexual freedom. She asked me to be specific and I told her that if God wanted my body to be penetrable by only one man, he should have created it as such. I also expressed my disappointment with the biblical preconceived notion that women lack intellect, therefore, should not speak in church but ask questions and listen to the teachings of the Bible from their husbands. 
She interrupted by explaining that it was not lack of intellect but rather because some women were being unruly and disruptive in church. I asked her to guess what these women could have been unruly and disruptive about in church. I suggested that it was possible that these women were challenging ‘till death do us part’ and ‘no man shall have sex with another man’s wife’ because their sexual freedom was being stripped away. I added that these women knew that it would be a terrible emotional and sexual torture to be with one man for a long time and that at a certain age, a man’s ‘penis’ gets weak, he wouldn't be able to have erection anymore due to old age, and that would be time for a woman to seek a younger and stronger man. She responded with some nonsense of her own and I called it quit. 
By this time, I wanted to split her skull open and replace her brain with half of mine. Instead, I told her not to waste her time with me because I am too old to be brainwashed so that I live my life for a man’s best interest. I concluded with: “I would not subscribe to any oppressive cultural norm that is clearly disadvantageous to a woman but advantageous to a man. I am a woman who cherishes her sexual freedom. Religion is not for me and I am not interested in listening to any bullshit about God (men) and his stupid words.

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